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Brooklyn Ascend Middle School


Greetings BAMS Families!
This is an invitation from the BAMS Family Association. Please come
out on November 13, 2014 at 6:30pm to our monthly Family
Association meeting. Enjoy performances from Brooklyn Ascend
steppers and drummers as well as food and special award
ceremony by The American Cancer Society.
We would like to celebrate all the families who participated in this
years Making Strides against Breast Cancer event. We would also
like to recognize Ms. Wymess Givens, Ms. Nassha Norton-Jerrick, Ms.
Alicia Stevens, Ms. Cassandra Richards, Mr. Farai Malianga, Ms.
Keisha John and Mrs. Marsha Gadsden for all their dedication
toward making this event a success.
In addition, we thank you in advance for standing in solidarity as we
further our traffic safety campaign. Learn what you can do to
increase the number of traffic lights on our schools campuses and
share your ideas on how to create a safer environment for our
scholars and community members.
Your support is vital!

believe :: achieve :: succeed :: ascend

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