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Algebra Partial Sum & Complete Sum

of Arithmetic Sequence
name: __________________________________________ date: ______________________________
1. Youre looking at a geometric shape that looks as follows. Assuming there are 192 rows in this
diagram, how many smaller triangles make up the whole picture?

2. Youre going to the planetarium and the seats are organized into 14 rows. The first row has 15 seats, the
second row has 17, and so on through row 7. Rows 8 through 14 are exactly the same as rows 1-7,
however theyre situated in the opposite way, so that when youre looking down from the ceiling on to
the chairs below, theyre organized in a sort of circular pattern. How many seats are there total in the

3. Youre visiting the theatre where the Chicago Philharmonic plays. There are 36 rows of seats, with the
first row having 18 seats, the second row having 20, and so on. How many seats are in the 36th row?

4. How many seats are there total for the theatre in the question above?

5. Assuming the Philharmonic can sell tickets to a packed house at $18 a piece, how much can they make
in one night?

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