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A long, long time ago, there was a man named Francis who lived in Assisi,

Italy. He grew up living very happily and his parents where quite rich. Francis
loved to go out with his friends. As Francis got older he went to battle with a
town close to Assisi as a solider. He was caught and taken to jail
In his heart and mind Francis could hear God speaking to him. He had a
calling from God telling him to follow God, fix the Church and live a poor life.
Francis was in jail for a year until his father paid for his release to set his
son free.
Francis would regularly attend mass on a regular basis. It was here that he
began to hear God speaking to him again. The Lord had told Francis Fix My
church which is falling apart. On hearing this Francis decided to give all his
`money to the church, his father was really angry with him for doing this.
Francis made the decision to leave home and live a poor life.
When Francis became really poor he had told others about how baby Jesus
lived his life, people began to listen to what he had to say and they became
his followers
Francis became one of Gods followers. He and his people travelled to Rome
to get the Pope to accept Francis request, to start a group who lived in
poverty. The Pope had agreed and he blessed them with the Holy Spirit.
More people then started to join Francis, to be aware of the poor people, to
help them and to give them food, water and shelter. Francis devoted a lot of
his time to nature and creation. He could talk to birds and stop barking
One day Francis was riding when he spotted a leper (a sick man) who was
begging for help. He stopped his horse and gave the man a hug and kissed
him on the forehead.
Francis suddenly became sick and he couldnt see for days. Suddenly Francis
passed away and two years after his death he became a Saint.

~The End~

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