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Daria Al-Khalidi

I AM FROM (Revision)
I am from the 90s, the countless childhood stories
I am Junie B Jones
evolution of the books, War and Peace
I am from the derived need to thrive
a society based upon a degree
I am from the sudden flights, hour long delays
the published and unpublished books and song hooks
I am from a multilingual family
but I am constrained to one language
I am from my fathers eyes
fear of failure
transform ignorance to arrogance
I am from the willow trees last weep
the weakest branch falls first
the spiral bound failing, ripping away
I am from the torn pages of notes
educational and gossip
I am from the budding garden of semi-annuals
to read a book only once and never go back
I am a prisoner of the Common Core educational system
a former inmate never to return again
supporting individualism

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