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Sumner 1 Jared Sumner University Writing 1103 Professor Raymond November 12, 2014 Today I held a conversation with my roommate Steven. I talked about my subject for my semester long project. We talked back and forth asking and answering questions. The conversati showed me how much I have learned about my subject and how to answer questions on my subj My subjéct is Terrorism but not the entirety of terrorism, | focused on counter terrorism, history, different groups, and cyber terrorism. Steven asked about the definition of terrorism and whayfroups are terrorists. [ answered that terrorism is basically a group that does an act of viblence to evoke fear to gain power towards a group of people. A group of people could be a -¢ or a country. I then gave him an example of the Ku Klux Klan as the most famous terrorist group in America towards race. The attack on nine eleven was against our country by a terrorist ‘group of another country We continued our conversation, and he started talking about other subjects that I could have researched. He suggested that I could have researched how tight our country’s security against terrorism is and how can it be improved. I liked the idea, and we talked about specifics. He added that I could research airport security, and the security of important information held in a computer. How I could research the security protocol for computer databases is also an interesting area. mn Mi guew Ve Su is egy Sumner 2 In conclusion we talked about my subject, and it was mostly me answering questions or explaining my subject. He gave me some great constructive information about being able to research the country’s security against attacks. Conversation about a subject with another is affective in getting an objective view.

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