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Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Water for Gas

The Future of
How Even YOU Can Escape the
Grasp of Oil Companies

By Nadav Snir
The Water For Gas Department of
Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

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Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Table of Contents
Legal Notice.............................................
What are HHO Conversion Kits?.............
How Water Fuel Kits Work.......................
Water Electrolysis....................................
Common Myths........................................
Bonus: Calculate your MPG....................
The Best HHO Conversion Kits...............

Nadav Snir


Water for Gas The Future of Energy

What are HHO Conversion Kits?

HHO conversion kits are systems which make your car
produce HHO, a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Using this
mixture, the kits are able to supply more power to the
engine, making its work more efficient.
Also, by burning HHO and not only gasoline, the engine
consumes less gas, so your spending is reduced.
Furthermore, the only byproduct of HHO conversion kits is
pure water vapor, which is completely harmless to the
environment (no carbon dioxide, no carbon monoxide, no
nitrous compounds, and nothing with sulfur. Just

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

How Water Fuel Kits Work

Each water fuel kit behaves differently, but their general
function is nearly identical.
1. Water is taken into the electrolysis chamber and broken
down. There it is broken down into hydrogen and
oxygen. (read more about electrolysis in the next
2. The two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, form a gas
called HHO. Unlike water, which is a compound of the
two gases with the chemical formula H2O, HHO is a
mixture of the two gases, so they remain in gaseous
3. HHO, which has an enormous amount of potential
energy stored in it, is now burned. Since hydrogen
combustion is more efficient than gasoline combustion,
a bigger percentage of the produced energy becomes
motion energy, and only a small part becomes heat.
4. After all that processes are done, the only byproduct is
water vapor, the cleanest byproduct of any chemical
This happens because the combustion of hydrogen
produces the following chemical reaction:
2H2 + O2 2H2O
As you can see, burning hydrogen produces only one
product: water.
Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Water Electrolysis
The important step in HHO production is the electrolysis of
water. Electrolysis means breaking down with electricity,
and that is exactly what this process is all about breaking
down water molecules into their components: hydrogen and
Here is a series of pictures explaining the process of
electrolysis very well:

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

This way, with very simple steps, the following chemical

reaction occurs:
2H2O 2H2 + O2
As you can see, it is the exact opposite of the hydrogen
combustion reaction. This fact led to some scam claims, but
as you can see in the myth chapter, those scam claims are
completely wrong.

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Common Myths
From the first day HHO conversion kits are on the market
they have been criticized. Most of these critics are wrong,
and others are purely lying. These are the common water for
gas myths:
The presence of hydrogen is dangerous and can
cause an explosion
Hydrogen is really a highly combustible gas which blows up
quickly if it contacts oxygen. However, HHO conversion kits
dont store hydrogen in the car, but only produce it on
demand. This way the created hydrogen is immediately
burned and does not pose a threat.
The system cannot produce more energy than the
energy it requires
This claim arises because water electrolysis and hydrogen
combustion are two reverse processes. This claim is
basically correct: due to entropy, the burning of HHO will
produce less energy than the energy required to perform
water electrolysis.
But keep this in mind: water electrolysis requires electricity,
and it comes from the cars battery. After that, the formed
HHO gas helps the engine work less. The system takes
energy from the battery and gives it to the engine. Since the
batterys energy does not pollute and does not consume
gasoline, this system helps you save your money and save
the earth.

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

HHO conversion kits damage the engine

This myth is closer to a lie. Water for gas kits are external,
meaning they do not interfere with the engines work. They
can also be easily removed. They do not harm the engine in
any way, and as mentioned earlier, they are very safe.
If those kits are not implemented in all cars, then they
obviously dont work
This is perhaps the biggest lie told about those kits. There
are many reasons for this kit not to be implemented in all
cars, and one of them is the interests of oil companies. They
dont want to bring down the demand for oil and its price,
since they profit more when oil prices are high. Water is a
cheap resource, and if it becomes a major fuel, it will harm
the profits of the big oil companies.

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Bonus: Calculate your MPG

The biggest proof of the truth behind HHO conversion kits is
the MPG increase achieved in cars that use the system.
Here is a quick way to calculate your MPG and see if HHO
conversion kits do improve it:
1) Fill up your tank completely, until the last drop.
2) Record the number of miles your car has drove so far.
Keep this number handy. Well call this number A.
3) Drive until your tank is less than half full.
4) Enter a gas station (preferably the same one as
5) Write the number of miles your car has done by now.
Well call this number B.
6) Fill your tank completely again.
7) Write the number of gallons you filled up this time. Well
call this number C.
Calculate your MPG using this formula:

Avg. MPG =
Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

What your MPG Result Means

MPG over 40 wonderful! Although its not ideal, its well
above the average. But still, you can consider using an HHO
conversion kit to make your MPG even better.
MPG between 20 and 40 average. Most cars are in this
range. It can be greatly improved by converting your car to
burn water using one of the conversion kits in the next
MPG below 20 very bad. It means your cars mileage is
below average, and it burns too much gas to drive it. You
should seriously consider using a water-fuel kit. Your car
needs an urgent MPG boost.

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

The Best HHO Conversion Kits

There are three very popular HHO conversion kits right now
in the market. They are Water4Gas, Run Your Car With
Water, and Drive With Water Fuel. They are very similar, but
each of them has its own uniqueness.


Water4Gas is the most popular conversion kit, with

thousands of satisfied drivers. Its price is the highest of the
three kits, but it is also claimed to be the best.
This kit also appeared on TV, where it was verified to work,
so its definitely worth trying out.
Click Here to Download Water4Gas

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Drive With Water Fuel

Drive With Water Fuel is the newest of the three, and also
the cheapest. There are also claims that it works, and with
its huge popularity increase since it went into the market, it
certainly looks like a promising kit.
Click Here to Download Drive With Water Fuel

Nadav Snir

Water for Gas The Future of Energy

Run Your Car With Water

Run Your Car With Water is the second most popular

conversion kit, and it also has a huge fan base of thousands
of drivers. It costs about half of Water4Gas, and drivers
claim it works just as good.
Click Here to Download Run Your Car With Water

Nadav Snir

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