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LeGwen 1

Britt LeGwen
Ms. Smit
12 AP
20 November 2014
Metacognitive Reflection
My revised essay is superior to my original essay because it is clear. I worked on fixing
some spelling, grammar, and phrasing issues. In my future essays I need to work on pulling
more evidence from the text to support my analysis and argument. I feel like my revised essay
would still receive an A like the original one. I would just have fewer things to fix in the revised
version versus the original essay.
I feel like some of the strength of my essay was its thoroughness. I liked how I covered
all the points I had intended to in a clear, organized manner. I had tried to compare Snowball
and Napoleon by alternating between the two and comparing them point by point so that the
reader would not have to remember back to a long paragraph of facts as they would have if I had
written a paragraph about Snowball and then a parallel paragraph about Napoleon.
In my conclusion I had tried to answer the so what? question that every papers goal is
to answer. I answered my papers question Which pig should be in power? and then stated
why this wasnt the case and connected it to society and how people get ahead in the real world.
In my future papers I will just work on adding more evidence to my papers to strengthen
my analysis.

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