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Mathway Problem

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Convert to Set Notation

Remove the absolute value term. This creates a on the right-hand side of the equation because |x| = x.

3 2x (x)
Set up the + portion of the solution.
3 2x x
Move all terms not containing x to the right-hand side of the inequality.
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3 3x 0
Since 3 does not contain the variable to solve for, move it to the right-hand side of the inequality by
subtracting 3 from both sides.
3x 3
Divide each term in the inequality by 3.
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Set up the portion of the solution. When solving the portion of an inequality, flip the direction of the
inequality sign.

3 2x (x)
Multiply 1 by the x inside the parentheses.
3 2x x
Since x contains the variable to solve for, move it to the left-hand side of the inequality by adding x to
both sides.

3 2x + x 0
Since 2x and x are like terms, subtract x from 2x to get x.
Since 3 does not contain the variable to solve for, move it to the right-hand side of the inequality by
subtracting 3 from both sides.
x 3
Divide each term in the inequality by 1.
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The solution to the inequality includes both the positive and negative versions of the absolute value.
x 1 or x 3
The solution is the set of values where x 1orx 3.

x 1x3

Convert the inequality to set notation.

(, 1] U [3, )

10/28/2014 11:58 AM

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