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Eating & Drinking Rules for an alkaline digestion:

Note: An alkaline digestion is the opposite of an acid digestion. All diseases

(from simple colds to horrible cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, all mental
illnesses, etc.) are able to develop in an acid environment only. Illnesses
may never develop in an alkaline digestive residue. Here are a few simple
rules in order to ensure an ALKALINE digestion at all times:
1. Fruit and fruit smoothies should be taken alone (not mixed with protein) and only 1
hours before any meal and 2 hours after any meal. This means no nuts, almonds,
fruits tarts, milk products, absolutely none of these in between and while you take the
fruit. Fruit may only be mixed with almond milk, chia and flax seeds.
2. No drinking water or any other liquid while eating. Water only 30-40 min. before any
meal and 1 hours after any meal. Fruit juices only 30-40 min. before any meal and 2
hours after any meal.
3. Each plate you eat should contain max. 25 % protein . The rest of 75 % should be
vegetables (not corn, not legumes like beans, not potatoes, only leaves, zucchini,
peppers, carrots, celery, parsnip, cucumbers, beets, rabioli, karalabi, eggplants etc);
4. Never ever eat any corn or soy that is not organic (including products containing any
corn or soy derivate in the ingredients list, such as corn or soy flours, sauces, starches,

Example of an Eating & Drinking Schedule:

From 7:00 to 7:30 Breakfast;
(1 hours later): From 9:00 to 9:15: Water (I usually drink about 500 ml = 2 cups at once);
(2 hours after breakfast) From 10:00 to 10:30: Fruit (a lot of them, in a smoothie, if possible);
(1 hours later): From 12:00 to 12:30: Lunch;
(1 hours later): From 2:00 to 2:15 PM: Water (I usually drink about 500 ml = 2 cups at once);
(2 hours after lunch) From 3:00 to 3:30 PM Fruit (a lot of them, in a smoothie, if possible);
(1 hours later): From 5:00 to 6:00 PM: Supper;
(1 hours later): From 7:30 PM: Water;
(2 hours after supper) From 8:30 PM Fruit (if youre still hungry);

One more time, after the fruit (or together with the fruit), youre not allowed any almonds, nuts,
bread, any cereal whatsoever, and no milk products, no soy, or any other protein.

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