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Emily Oot]
French/Italian/ Arabic French

Date: 9/25/14

OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to talk about pastttimes (activities) they enjoy doing, and
ask their friends if they enjoy doing these activities. They will also be able to say I read...she read with the verb lire.

OPEN/HOOK/PROMPT: The last class the students learned about the different sports. Today
they will begin by playing pictionary with different sports, and then I will go into my
lesson/presentation slideshow of Les Loisirs with pictures and a video. (powerpoint attached).
(15 mins) (culture) (connection to music)


1) Interpretive activity: I will put pictures of various activities on the board and the students
must identify what activity is in the picture. They will then have two short activities (one
on lire, and one on les loisirs). (5 mins.)

2) Interpersonal activity: Students will be given a table with different pictures of different
activities in each box. Students must go around the classroom to find students who enjoy
doing each of these activities. They will ask them by using the question form, Est-ce que
tu aimes faire de la danse? (communication) (15 mins)
3) Presentational: Students are asked to write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) on an
itinerary (plan) for a day with an exchange french student. They will write three activities
that they will do throughout the day and they will specifiy the part of day (morning,
afternoon, night). After they are finished, some students will share their plans with the
class. (10 mins.)
CULTURE: Edgar Degas, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy
CLOSE: Students will share their itinerary with the class, and if there is time we will play a short
game of charades with the different loisirs.

NOTES: 5 mins for instructions


HOMEWORK: activities on iLrn,

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