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American Association of Anesthesiologists

The American Association of Anesthesiologists, as you can guess by its name, is a

professional organization for anesthesiologists in the United States.
Anesthesiologists are responsible for anesthetizing a patient, usually before surgery, and
monitoring that patients vital signs during the surgery to make sure nothing goes wrong with the
anesthesia. They are also responsible for pain management for the patient before, during, and
after the operation.
The American Association of Anesthesiologists (ASA) was founded in 1905 by Its
purpose is to provide an organization of professional anesthesiologists in order to improve the
professional field of anesthesiology and to develop better methods to administer care. Their goal
is to improve the standards of patient care under anesthesiologists. They provide help to private
anesthetists, as well as those working in hospitals. They support higher education in the field of
anesthesiology and continuing education courses, and fund research into better methods of
administering their care. Through these methods, they improve the quality of care given by
anesthesiologists around America.

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