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peor MBpriny cases HEROES MINI-EXPANSION Neutral CRAG HACK THE BARBARIAN Faction This mini-expansion introduces into M&M Heroes: The Boardgame a new Hero and 2 new Hero Starting Abilities. Crag Hack is a neutral Hero - it does not belong to any faction and may be hired by any player. If players wish to use Crag Hack they should set aside his Hero Sheet and Hero Marker during setup. No player may choose Grag Hack as his starting Hero. Recruiting Crag Hack When resolving his Recruit/Action, any Active Player may hife Crag Hack following the basic rules for recruiting Heroes as long as this Hero is available (i.e. no other player has hired him yet). Additionally, the hiring player pays only 3 Gold (instead. of 5 Gold paid for regular faction Heroes). Then the Active Player takes Crag Hack’s Hero Sheet and Hero Marker. Unlike other recruited Heroes Crag Hack has no free unit forming his starting Army. Instead of this he can start with any units from any player, Detailed rules for recruiting a starting Army for Crag Hack are described below as his Hero Starting Ability. Defeating Crag Hack When Crag Hack loses a battle his Hero Marker is not placedion his controller's Capital. His Hero Sheet and Hero Marker should be set aside nextito the board and Crag Hack becomes available again for any player to hire. If Crag Hack had any Skill Cards, Magic Scrolls or Artefact Cards attached when he was defeated, they discarded to their proper discard piles. Crag Hack's Faction Allegiance Crag Hack is a neutral Hero i.e. he has no faction allegiance. Any effects, rules and abilities requiring a Hero to belong to some faction do not affect and cannot be used by Crag Hack. As long as Crag Hack is controlled by a player he is considered to be a friendly Hero by other Heroes belonging to Crag Hack’s controller. NEW HERO STARTING ABILITIES » Admiral - This Hero may freely move across any water spaces but he cannot end his movement there. Crag Hack - When this Hero is hired and enters the game, as part of the same Recruit Action his controlling player may choose and buy any units available in any player's Capital as if they wereihis own. Crag Hack’s controller may only recruit units available to the chosen player and only of he has chosen Unit Tokenssin his Reserves. Crag Hack’s controller may only buy Elite Level units if the chosen player has a special Building allowing him to recruit such units. Wheneyer a unit with enemy player's faction allegation is destroyed, its Unit Token should be returned to its faction player's Reserves. en ce ene ee Sete cae ee a a i eed

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