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believe that imagina5on is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are
powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I
believe that love is stronger than death."
-Robert Flughum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Central Idea:

Play is a powerful tool for extending our

An Inquiry into:
- dierent types of play
- imagina5ve use of materials
- how our imagina5on helps us to consider other
- Func5on: role of play, communica5on, crea5vity,
- Perspec5ve: choice, mediums
play, crea5vity, fun, apprecia5on, enjoy, imagina5on,
real, true, c5on, magic

How you can help at home

In this unit of inquiry we con5nue to further explore
play. How play can help us to express our imagina5on,
learn and take risks. We are working in collabora5on
with Music, Art, Thai Studies and Library specialists to
expose the children to a variety of forms of play. As you
play and talk with your child at home, encourage them
to use their imagina5on. Encourage them to look at
materials in dierent ways. Share with your child what
you like to play, try this together. This unit links in very
nicely to our yearlong unit Where we are in place and
5me. You can explore fun recrea5onal play that the
whole family can enjoy.
Some ques<ons or ideas that may help:

What else can you create with these materials?

Share what things you played with as a child
Share and teach you child some fun games that
you can play together
Using only limited materials (newspaper and
masking tape, cardboard and tape etc) create
something together using your imagina5ons.
Build a cubby or den with fabric or blankets to
play in think about what you could be and
where you are

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