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Andante in C Major 2004 Hea Pubshing Solo Guitar Lessons by John Francis oat mt . = a n _ on) oat a oe 2 0 b 2 8 ° 5 ot 88 — po {SS i oe ta oe o 4° zee o ee : c 6h 4 \ ole 4 . s ‘ ote 4 “4 ‘ { fe rile t re rr f | , i = ° oo a gece Here, we introduce the pedal ime or peal point, a sustained or repeated note, played against a melody. This piece uses an open “G string as.a constant onthe upbeat. It should be played alte lighter than the surrounding notes, By using the right hand index finger for each of these notes and playing all of the downstems with the thumb, the rest should fll into place. Try practicing this as straight and smoothly as posible. Once you are comfortable with i, you may then practice dynamics, with or without rubato, and varied timbres by shifting the position of the right hand back and forth

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