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Nadia Calixto

I. Animated Films-
i. Because I didnt exactly know what an animated film was, I decided to look up the
ii. I found this website by typing, What is an animated movie? on the Google search
engine and clicking on the first link.
iii. I thought it was very important for me to know the definition so that I could
familiarize myself with the genre.

II. Production Process-

i. After I knew the exact definition of an animated movie, I decided to see if I could find
how they were made.
ii. I came across this website while I was Google when I typed in, What is an animated
movie? It was the last link on the page. It gave all the steps in detail, like how they
make the characters and create the sound fx.
iii. I thought this was relevant to understanding the genre because I have seen several
animated movies, but I never knew how they were made. I thought it was an easy
process, but after seeing what really has to be done it made me more aware.

III. Finding Nemo-

i. Although I already knew what Finding Nemo was about, I wanted to see how Disney
wrote the summary.
ii. I went on the Google search engine and typed Finding Nemo.
iii. I know a couple people who have never seen this movie so its important to know
what its about.
iv. Not only does this website include a summary, but it also has pictures of the
characters, games, and videos.
IV. Pixar-
i. I wanted to see what else I could find about this animated movie. It included a
summary, characters, how the movie idea was pitched, all the awards this movie won,
and the credits.

ii. I found this website by scrolling all the way down on the Google search of Finding
Nemo and the sixth link caught my attention.
iii. This helped me comprehend why and for what purpose the movie was created. It
stated how the author got the idea of Finding Nemo because he always saw fish in tanks
of water, which explains the tank in the dentist office in the movie.

V. Dear Abby-
i. One of the most famous advice columns I heard of was Dear Abby. I decided to check
out her website.
ii. I found this website by using Google and typing Dear Abby advice column. It was the
first link on the page.
iii. I did many projects where I had to create advice columns in high school and this was
one of the advice columns I used in order to help me. She is widely known for helping
others, which inspired me to base my project off of her online advice column.

VI. Advice Column-

i. To get a better idea of what an advice column consists of, I decided to look up the definition
which is: An advice column is a column in a magazine or newspaper written by an advice
ii. I found this by typing advice column on the google search engine
iii. It helped me by giving me what I needed to include in my advice article and it taught me that
advice columns could be located in magazines as well.
iiii. It also gave me links to different advice columns.
VII. How to Write a Column
i. Advice columns and an ordinary column are very similar so I decided if I could find a website
where it showed me how to construct one by having people ask questions, answer them as best
as possible, and by incorporating a signature.
ii. I found this by typing advice column features on the google search engine and clicking on
the fourth link.
iii. It helped me figure out what I needed and what I didnt need to include in my advice column,
like a picture, a creative signature that includes an emotion and a location, and comments.

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