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Risk Assessment

1) Motorway
Problem: Some shots of our short film are filmed on the motorway. The
motorway can be dangerous as there are many cars driving along.
Solution: We must make sure that we are careful when filming on the
motorway, making sure that we make no contact with any cars driving
2) Running
Problem: In our short film, our character is running in a few shots; this can
be dangerous as she can get injured whilst running.
Solution: Before filming, we must make sure there are no hazards around,
so it will be less likely that our character will get hurt.
3) Weather
Problem: Some of our shots need to be filmed outside. If it is too rainy/too
windy this can cause us problems with the camera as it will be more
difficult to film.
Solution: To prevent the weather from affecting our filming, we will check
the weather to ensure that it is a suitable day to film.
4) Lighting
Problem: As we are planning on filming our short film when it gets dark,
we must make sure that everything we are filming is visible (unless we are
intending not to); our surroundings can also be effected by the lighting.
Solution: When filming, we must make sure that what we are filming is
visible and film at a time when it is not too dark.

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