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USN O07MCA452 Fourth Semester MCA Degree Examination, June/July 2011 UNIX System Programming Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions. 1 a. Write the difference between ANSI C and K & RC (05 Marks) b. List out all the test macros along with their meanings. (10 Marks) c. Write C/C++ program to check out version of POSIX system, (05 Marks) 2 a. Explain the different file types available in UNIX/POSIX system. (10 Marks) b. Bring out the difference between hard link and symbolic link. (04 Marks) c. With neat diagram, explain UNIX Kernal support for files. (06 Marks) 3 a. With the help of prototype, explain the following API’s : i) create ii) Fentl iii) access _ iv) Fstat vy) read (10 Marks) b. Explain UNIX/POSIX API common characteristics with error states codes. (10 Marks) 4 a. Write C/C++ program to illustrate different operation on directory file API (mkdir, opendir, readdir, closedir and rmdir API) (06 Marks) b. List all file attributes along with their meaning. Which of these attributes can not be changed. and why? List the commands needed to change other attributes of files. (08 Marks) c. Write C++ program to list the actual values of the following system configuration limits on a given Unix O.S. i) Maximum number of child processes that can be created. ii) Maximum number of files that can be opened simultaneously. iii) Maximum number of message queues that can be accessed. (06 Marks) 5 a. Explain briefly the memory layout of C-program with a neat diagram. (10 Marks) b. What is race condition? Write a program in C/C++ to illustrate the race condition. (10 Marks) 6 a. Explain: i) wait ii) waitpid iii) wait 3 iv) wait 4 (10 Marks) b. Discuss terminal login in BSD UNIX. (10 Marks) 7 a. What is daemon? Discuss the basic coding rules. (10 Marks) b. What is FIFO? Explain how it is used in IPC. Discuss with an example, the client-server communication using FIFO. (10 Marks) 8 a. What is a socket? How to create and destroy a socket? (10 Marks) b. What are send and recv socket calls? Explain various flags used with send and recv calls. (10 Marks)

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