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Dont miss the $10,000 contest questions and rules inside!

John Assaraf

WINNING the Inner Game of MONEY

Dear friend,
RIGHT NOW is your time to finally break free and earn all the money you are meant to earn
so you can live the Lifestyle you are truly meant to live!
It may sound crazy to think that brain science has anything to do with achieving financial
success but the latest brain research shows that it does.
What EVERY major Athlete, Chess Player, Skydiver, Performer, Musician or Highly Successful
Business Owner knows is that they MUST win the INNER GAME before they will ever win
the OUTER GAME and produce the results they desire.
If you are serious about creating massive wealth and are now ready to learn what the next steps
are, my WINNING THE INNER GAME OF MONEY webinar will teach you step by step
how to retrain your brain so you can finally Win the Inner Game to YOUR financial success.
Only when your Inner Game is working optimally, will your Outer Game produce the
financial results you secretly want and desire.
This live Webinar will:
1. Provide you the knowledge and understanding of whats really holding you back
from reaching your financial potential and how to break free right now
2. Show you whats keeping you stuck at your income level right now
3. Spell out in detail what its REALLY going to take to live up to your financial
potential and make your dream life a reality.
know deep inside, you are capable of achieving!
If you are ready to take your foot off the brake and finally speed to the next financial level, and
beyond, DO NOT MISS my webinar on November 18th. Set this time aside now!
Follow these two easy steps:
Step one: go to your calendar now and put November 18th at 6 p.m. EST or 6 p.m. PST
on your schedule (dont forget to set a reminder). Choose one of these times only to
make room for others.
Step two: get started right away with my pre webinar exercises enclosed in this
Playbook to get you thinking about your financial success.

John Assaraf

WINNING the Inner Game of MONEY

Get ready to learn the brain science behind thinking, feeling, acting and finally BEING financially rich.
FOR YOU right now!!
You will learn how to release any negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, doubts, fears or
anxieties surrounding money and your success. You will also learn how to have the confidence,
certainty, focus and clarity to set your financial goals and achieve them with precision.
Super highly successful people are no smarter than you are, they are just wired differently
than you are. Join me and learn how to re-wire your brain to Win the Inner Game of Money
easier and faster than ever before and set yourself free from lack, limitation and accepting less
than you are truly capable of achieving.
Review the enclosed playbook now and answer the questions Ive asked to gauge what your
thoughts are around money, prior to the call.
Pay close attention on November 18th as I help you shatter your understanding, excuses and
stories around money and being financially rich.
This is one webinar you cannot afford to miss.
To show you how committed I am to your successI am holding a contest and the winner
will receive $10,000 in personal one on one coaching with me. Take copious notes throughout
the live webinar and the person who fills in the most correct answers will win the one on one
coaching with me. (In the event of a tiewe will randomly pick the winner)
To your financial success,
John Assaraf
P.S. Send your answers from the Contest Questions section on page 6 to
P.P.S. Please tell your friends and family about this upcoming free live webinar and have them
register at

John Assaraf

WINNING the Inner Game of MONEY


1. I want to retire on or before the age of ______________ with a net worth of
2. To live my ULTIMATE DREAM LIFESTYLE NOW, I need to earn
$_____________________________ a year.
3. I am NOW earning $____________________
4. The difference between Question#2 and Question #3 is $__________________
(this is your gap)
Name the 3 MOST IMPORTANT reasons why you really want more money:

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________


John Assaraf

WINNING the Inner Game of MONEY


1. What do you believe is the main reason people earn $30,000.00 a year, others
$75,000.00 and others $500,000.00 to a $1,000,000.00 (MOST PEOPLE GET

2. Do you really believe that with the right knowledge, skills and financial blueprint to
follow, you can be rich in the next 3 to 5 years?

3. What do you really believe are the main reasons you are earning the amount of
money you are currently earning a year? Be honest!


P.S. I will help you break free of these beliefs and reasons.

John Assaraf

WINNING the Inner Game of MONEY

$10,000 Contest Questions

Follow along and answer these questions and enter to WIN.
One $10,000 winner will win 4 private hours of coaching with John Assaraf. Winner will be
chosen who gets all these right and submits their answers to:
1. What are the two types of Beliefs and Habits we have?

2. What % of your thoughts, feelings and daily actions are caused by your old
conditioning in your subconscious mind?


3. The brain discovery of the decade is called?


4. What are 4 of the 8 best ways to reprogram your brain for financial success?


5. What % of your financial success is based on your decision to become successful?


6. What is the name of my personal brain training system?


John Assaraf Companies
18029 Calle Ambiente, Suite 506
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Office: 858.227.4971
Join my fan page on Facebook:

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