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Stop n Jot Activities for Readers Notebooks

Each should be developed/explained with details and be several sentences long.

Check off each as you use it. When you have responded to all of them, go through
them again.
_____ 1. This part of the story makes me think that.
_____ 2. Im noticing that this author.
_____ 3. Im worried about.
_____ 4. This character, _____________(name) is both __________(description) and
________(description). Explain.
_____ 5. At first, I thought.; now I think.
_____ 6. I didnt expect ______________ (a character) to _______________________ (an
_____ 7. The plot makes more sense now because.
_____ 8. __________ (a character) is feeling ____________ (emotion) because.
_____ 9. This story helps me understand that sometimes in life.
_____ 10. I like/dont like this character because.
_____ 11. The things I notice most while reading are.
_____ 12. While reading this book, my thinking changed about ( life, the characters,
myself, etc.)

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