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Saha 1 Victor Saha Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 - 03, 12 November 2014 Peoples” Opinions on Immigration While at the library with a group of my friends, we were studying together in the UNCC Atkins Library. Once we had free time, I decided to ask them their thoughts on immigration, the positives and negatives of it, and if they knew any history of immigration, Because five people were with me, I received a variety of answers, many surprisingly similar, and a few even incorrect. O¥er the course of thirty minutes, there were a few responses that were truly good. The question that had the most responses when asked was when I asked about their joughts on immigration and whether it was a good or bad thing. One of my friends said it should be regulated the same way it is now, but make sure to give the illegal immigrants more jobs because they can be paid under the minimum wage. Another said that immigration is good but could regulated better and that illegal immigrants should not be given jobs. When I asked two of my roommates, they simply responded by saying, “THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAINI!!!” Obviously, they are both against immigration and truly patriotic. = 04 DE / ‘Another question I asked everyone was if they had any immigration stories. One simply said when their father came to America, it was very easy for him, but he had many complications when he sold alcohol to a ten year old, not realizing there were laws against it. Another person T Saha 2 asked said that it took him ten years to get his citizenship because of his parents, but it was very easy. My two white roommates had no answer to this because they were born here.

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