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Alternatives to the car

Main article: Alternatives to the automobile

Established alternatives for some aspects of car use include public transit such
as buses, trolleybuses, trains, subways, tramways light rail, cycling, and walk
ing. Car-share arrangements and carpooling are also increasingly popular, in the
US and Europe.[70] For example, in the US, some car-sharing services have exper
ienced double-digit growth in revenue and membership growth between 2006 and 200
7. Services like car sharing offering a residents to "share" a vehicle rather th
an own a car in already congested neighborhoods.[71] Bike-share systems have bee
n tried in some European cities, including Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Similar pro
grams have been experimented with in a number of US Cities.[72] Additional indiv
idual modes of transport, such as personal rapid transit could serve as an alter
native to cars if they prove to be socially accepted.[73

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