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The BRIC nations should marketers adopt a similar approach across the nation?


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

BRIC Nations .................................................................................................................................. 3

Different nation but same demand .................................................................................................. 4

Difference in promotion approach .................................................................................................. 5

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................... 8


Marketing is one thing which every company needs to look into and streamline in such a way
that the exact message is reciprocated to the customer. In this cut throat competition market,
marketing correspondence is best when it uses the technology to its fullest and hence can change
customer's attitude. Business goes to new levels of achievement if marketing supervisors apply
powerful methodologies that work in today's universal business. An organization can be
successful or unsuccessful depending on how they use marketing as an approach and able to
understand the customers needs. Engaging customer seating in different country is always a
barrier and venturing into different country is never easy for any company. Each country has its
own set of rule and regulations and marketer cannot just use the same set of marketing mix to
sell the products. (Biggemann, 2011)

BRIC Nations

First used by Goldman Sachs in its report, Brazil, Russia, India and China or simply called BRIC
nations are the next breakout nations of the world. With huge population at its disposal, these
countries have been able to capture the lime light from almost every organization. (Alon, 2010)
Brazil, Russia, India, and China are among the world's best economic performers
(Biggemann, 2011)

Not just have BRIC nations made strides as assembling and administrations nations, they are
presently forming into noteworthy end markets for multinationals. Also, they often speak to the
quickest developing (as with Apple) or greatest (as with General Motors) markets. Substantial
multinationals now discover huge bits of their supply chains concentrated on the BRIC nations.

As anyone might expect, this will include additional strains existing operational and expense
structures. At the same time actualizing new models is diligent work. It includes impressive
change and obliges solid backing from all levels of the association. Anyway there are significant
profits to be picked up particularly when charge, money related, and operational
contemplations are adjusted to give profits in every one of the three ranges. An all encompassing, precise methodology is fundamental; specifically the need to guide out potential
models so each one can be examined from key point of view. (Sheth, 2011)

Different nation but same demand

The champions, it says, will be those who thoroughly comprehend the difficulties of the
marketplaces and determine intelligent objectives and levers that allow for versatility. They will
obtain the benefits - not actually in the short-term but certainly on a maintainable, long-term
foundation. In particular, product entrepreneurs should seek to promote to the 'Super Customers'
or the top 10% of each nation's inhabitants. Their prosperity usually makes them the first to try
new items and manufacturers. (Stone, 2006) Once a product has established a base among this
group, usage should distribute into the shop bought as the split becomes smaller. For product
entrepreneurs developing techniques to connect to viewers in the BRICs, knowing the intricacies
of societies and value sets is vital. Errors made due to miscomprehension could be very costly.
Discovery indicates some wide results for the organization of manufacturers with certain values.
Some principles, usually traditional and unadventurous, are worldwide. Brand pictures related to
these - for example close relatives life - can be regarded risk-free. Specific principles distributed
among the BRICs nations but not by People in America or European people are mostly involved
with image in the face of close relatives members or of community. Desires of achievements

can be used favorably in promotion, as the battle for social rise is regarded to be a sign of a
healthy community. (Jansson, 2007) Marketing based on divergent principles may work well in
some nations but be questionable and dangerous in others. For example, Brazilians are involved
to look attractive to the opposite sex - but the leading alcohol product that had amazing
achievements with an offer on this theme would not have been wise to use it in China suppliers.
(Kunnanatt, 2013) The biggest divergences from worldwide 'norms' exist in China suppliers and
Native Indian. Particularly in their significant places, position is a key driver and manufacturers
that express it can do well. The highest percentage of teenagers and the biggest regular close
relatives sizes are to be found in Native Indian. Levels of possession of close relatives durables
differ, but for China places they reach 87% of Western stages. (Yoon, 2011)They are increasing
quickest in Native Indian. Consumers in all the BRICs are eager to try new items (average over
60%) and, when convinced about a brand's benefits, will stay faithful (average over 70%). The
'Super Customers' or the top 10% of each nation's inhabitants in socio-economic position are key
viewers. They have above-average income and resources and possess almost all of all high-ticket
items owned. They are also most likely to use worldwide manufacturers. SEL (Socio-Economic
Levels) category allows for focusing on this foundation. (Borodina, 2010)

Difference in promotion approach

The nations are at different stages along the change process and this, in convert, is developing
exclusive but essential limitations to promote accessibility. Further, the inhabitants census,
epidemiology and financial difficulties of each nation differ greatly. For infiltrating third world
nations, localization is increasing as a clear way of many organizations focusing on the BRIC
nations. An increasing number of organizations not only identify BRIC as their most likely

source of development, but they also believe that financial commitment in local research, local
development and local production will be crucial to professional achievements in these areas.
Studies have recognized 'insufficient developing of techniques to local needs' as the industry's
biggest error in so far unable to optimize the possibilities of increasing marketplaces. Clearly, as
area power numbers in older marketplaces continuously decrease, they are likely to increase in
the development nations. (Bloom, 2000)Proof shows that as organizations have updated their
functions in developed marketplaces, enhancing effectiveness by cutting the employees and
containing costs, most of the earnings have been utilized to build local functions in increasing
marketplaces. Localization techniques, of course, must also increase to allow for local industry
accessibility difficulties and limitations. As has become the case in the majority of
pharmaceutical's conventional marketplaces, professional achievements in the BRIC areas will
rely upon obtaining a full knowing of individual stakeholders and influencers, with payers - and
medical centers - expected to believe significant importance. Optimizing the area power - a
familiar task in Western marketplaces - is therefore crucial. If organizations are to follow
through with dreams to develop their own local sales causes, developing, applying and
calculating effective customer focusing on techniques will be crucial. Once again, you should
consider upon effective local understanding. Current promotional action across the conventional
BRIC nations is combined. (Kunnanatt, 2013)While all four marketplaces place significant focus
on the area power as the most common route for interaction, financial commitment in the action
differs. Developing an maximum functional model to overcome increasing and development
nations is a complicated process. In the BRIC nations, pharmaceutical is moving towards
localization, with the organization of local components commonly approved as being the best
way to manage and deliver growth. (Bloom, 2000)

Many worldwide manufacturers have been active in seeking the huge possibilities offered by the
BRICs marketplaces. Some of them have experienced excellent success such as Coca Cola,
Colgate, Nike and McDonalds among them. What techniques can be deployed can be used.
Category surging, or putting several manufacturers into the same industry at different prices, has
shown successful. For example Unilever leads the Bathroom Detergent category in Indian with
Liril, Dove, Lux and Lifebuoy, and in the Tea category in Russian federation with Lipton and
Beseda. Another is localising the offer, in other words adjusting the product to fit local
preferences. In China suppliers, P&G has met achievements with Tooth paste (for whitening) as
well as Tea Tasting and Tooth paste (drinking tea is believed to remove bad breath). HaagenDazs in China suppliers produce Green Tea Ice Cream. Frito-Lay's Cheetos are 'cheese-less' in
China suppliers, where its flavors include 'Peking duck'. The concept of controlling 'Yin' and
'Yang' is behind 'Cool Orange Lays' snacks, which merge calcium and great flavors into what is
marketed as a awesome relaxing flavor for China's hot summer. In India Frito-Lay has created a
treats product called 'Kurkure' - which means crispy in Hindi. These are similar to Cheetos but
with Indian flavor. Historically, globalization has been led by European manufacturers, and the
activity has relied on European principles. But if it is to distribute more greatly in the BRICs,
product entrepreneurs must deal with the boundaries of European principles. (Sheth, 2011)


Designing a marketing way to meet the requirements of each of the BRICs is a trial, particularly
when the same items have to be sold in European marketplaces. The difficulties that deal with
promoters in attempting to improve globalization in this way are huge, but so are the potential
gains from it. Hence, marketer needs to makes sure that they understand the culture and then

design the product in such way that is relevant for the customers of that country. Same approach
cannot be used across countries.


Alon, I. L. C. F. M. L. S. &. S. A. M., 2010. Usage of public corporate communications of social

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Borodina, S. &. S. O., 2010. Investing in BRIC Countries: Evaluating Risk and Governance in
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Jansson, H., 2007. International business marketing in emerging country markets: the third wave
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Kunnanatt, J. T., 2013. Globalization and Developing Countries: A Global Participation Model..
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