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Television art Famous Artists Course Famous Artists Schools, Ine, Westport, Connecticut Lesson Albert Dorne FredLudekens Norman Rockwell Al Parker Ben Stahl Stevan Dohanos Jon Whitcomb Robert Fawcett Peter Helck George Giusti Austin Briggs Horold Von Schmidt oS ened he een a se ty The artist in television Get on Grothkop®) “The arts has come int his own in the exciting world of tele vision. In this highly erative vinual eld there are wondertal fppereaniie fr yo, the art, to wie your talent in outa, fmaginative ways and make yood living while you do “Television ie such an enorme medium thot iti dient to comprelicnd t almoes unlisted pardbsites, ut to ge a iden ‘of ts increible growth we have only to reli hat the very Ss. animated eartoon made specially tar television was erated i 1938 and seen on only about fy TV sets. Today there ate not fy, but there iv television set in sirwally every home America ~ and an encrmove number af homes have Gre oy eh sore sets ‘This doein't incide TY set in public places hotel ‘viel, and restaurants, And the portable et has become a mem Der of the family when it eavel “Television iniluences ovr habits, oor manners, our Tikes and Asker, our educational sytem, our opinions, or politic, out Aleepest hopes and deans our very Lives. It wil continue to do so double strength — as it continues to gro. "What he hapa in aseron inthe dntriovtion of TV sets fs happening al aver the word The elect of television, both present and fore. i incalculable. Pictures have been a univer: SSI Langage since the times of the eave men. We tndersand nd believe that we weno matter eho We ae oF where we lve. The vista image ean be tore fete in establishing commun cation between peoples of dllerent natonalices and diferent ‘ountties Gait any saaplox species ever wien or shouted, There is no doubt that elevision is a major inluenee in the worl today And whose does the wns tint this pcre Right fn the rile in he heart off “Telesson is growing wo fase tha tke » creative monster iat gobbles up talent snd ineessntly demands more. And one fof the most exiting things about the mand ints county i thatthe opporeunites are definitely not limited to big cies of the top stations. You don’t ave to fel shat you must work for Wale Disney or the big networks, Thee i. grea need for new talent in ama cites and tens everywhete oa your lal tations The ari who events for the TV steen is very sch ike an architect ‘The architect consults with hy lca, learn his vee quirements and then sakes a biveprint. The blueprint isa de led plan from which the carpenters electiians and plumbers will build we hovse, Everything that happens from then on de pends om that blueprine: The hee carpenters i the word ane ot bull ound stile houe i they are working Irom Ba ‘oughuless plans “This TV ant makes a Med of blueprint, too —enly in hie ‘ese iti called a "storyboard" In this lesan we lll shox yo how to create gol sonsoard. Once you ae able to do this, the “carpenters in Animation, Timing and Layout, Camera and Laboratory, Inking and Painting can all take over with a esonable anurance of 4 uccenfel individual contribution £0 the overall plan “The fundamental principles that make a good storyboard ap: ply wih equal fore whether your wrk wl be shown by large br small television stations. We feel that you, the student, cat lean the base arehitecture— the principles and techniques ot television at jn this lewon. Then you ean sim your alent agencies big and small, your loeal businewmen, or your local ‘alons — widh equal coofdence ‘Weil give you the fundamentals nd techniques of drawing {or television. Ofcourse, there ae way mechanical and produc tion aspects of tieidon that an only he Ienmned om the set job —in a studio or in a television environment. TV fs such a ‘ee medium that al he people iuslve i it~ including the prose leering new echnical and erestive things virtually every day. AS time goes on. constant experiments wil develop tote ew Sdcat and direction ‘One ofthe best teachers you will have fs your awn television se So itis imporcan fr you to watch television — learn what Is fing on. Everytime you turn on your set yo aay ace some: thing exciting Learn eo incorporate what we ar teaching you — the Basic principies with te creative newe things yom se om television, the new techniques and imaginative approaches, Ale ways be inquisitive, be willing t fern In this evergrowing fed of television, the vival fmage iss preme, and die ands is the king, Sofa, there are no fama art ‘sts in this young mediunn, Maybe you will be one of them. _ KEEP IT SIMPLE! For movies st Television art What is a strfolripjosars dO describe a onboard as a come trip without di ‘logue "balloons: Bu itis a great deal mare than that. 138 the ‘bats ofa TV proition — the blueprint from which everyone involved in that proction wil work. fe sao che fst visual feneept that your client wil tis sei tote rough oF Comprehensive for an al that yo shot you ellen or advertising Sere; for approval belore you produce the fined at. ‘There are diferent types of storsboans to ft diferent sia tions — animate story bounds, eestor boards and abstract story innards, Les consider these varius types ane by one "The anitnated storshoxrd fs sill toa comic sirip. 1 gener ally has envertinment rae and broad human appeal. 1 lls the sony nn morons tay. Properly done it starts by enter luining and winds up doing selling jb for the acserer. tt odience to view the praduct, When done creatively nal i good thatthe sulmated storglnned sone ofthe mst flectve means advertising communication sed today. The live stursboard shows ecal people and objects and i de. signed io do a realistic job of communication. From this story Dear actors willbe east tho wil have to get the message acros tothe TV audience: Avopposed to the entertainment quality of the animated boa, the tive boatd has great belivability be ‘use the auience enn Hetil shemsclses more ealy with tive people, When the att ean tae lite people ard put them into En adveiting soryboand i a believable sitwaton dha com tmunicates the akevtiers message convincingly and forcefully. Fhe has secomplished seat fs know in advertising as the “band Sc" 1a TV arg can design 3 torsboard with entertainment lve hac lasts Tong enough to deliver the “hand sell” message, Te wsvally hoe a surreal commercial “There f ls the combination five and animated storyboard. tn this type the an everaly weed vo intoluce the commercial fo an entertaining way, in an effort to hold the ine teres of the audience wnt a uta being is inroduced who ? vil lines the advertising message This results ing storyboard pls “hard sl.” ‘Newt we have the abursc atsboard. Dont be frightened by the word “abseract” Abstract storyboard are not willy moder Ine or obscure. Instead uf yung cartoons or realistic ustrations ‘ee ose simple shapes and symbols, often similar in form and sre to the figures of objects they represent. A good abatract story board utes shapes with sich sem sreng ct 1 soften ner to understand than the more etaed presentation of «ar {oons or realistic llasteations. ‘One very important thing that is vita in designing any story pour is to c1eate an imerestng pictorial stry line. ‘The time Rontoted formula for stories of young Tove, ether fn magazines fr the movies, goes lke thins boy meets gil, a problem ats, tos tone irl slam 0 he problem i found, boy ge gl — Se everbody fs happy. Very sane the sane formula usually fis a TV stay or comercial A problem is stated, « method of Aoeing the problem i found, sa there Is oor happy ending — busines for the advertiser, I this formula sounds routine, re ember that i is she aeative manner in whieh the tary is tal ‘Tn visually presented that makes Ue big dilerence, His orig inal an entertaining, the viewer will belewe fn the Bappy end> ing. and consequently belie in the product advertise. That even though dhe sory line is important never forget that hiss sia medion. The pictones should cell the story, The sound rack fs secondary “Tie best way t tel ow well a commercial hasbeen designed pietorilly is otor af the sound of your TV se ane se if you pet the message from the piewre alone. If the overall mesaze Frcommumtested to you without the help of the words and mi to hen you are watching 3 good commercial ~ ove whe sry onnd weve conceived on the lial Base principles of television oryboard ar. Naturally the sured will make it even beter ‘When piewte ad sound work peefecty together, television be comes the most marvelous means of emununication yet ereted!

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