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Iron Baldgrimm Background notes

Iron's real name is Janus, he dislikes the name and wouldn't openly reveal it
unless drunk or under some extreme duress. Has quite good tool and
equipment making experience at the forge.
Father- Oreshaper - Blacksmith
Mother - Loretia - died giving birth to Iron's younger brother
Brother - Januth - Apprentice Blacksmith
Doesn't have much of a regard for magic users or priests, would sooner have
a stand up fight without cowardly spellcasters waving bits of wood around and
speaking foolishness. Particularly dislikes the raising of the dead, dead things
should be left in the ground or under rocks where they belong not messed
about with.
Elves, high or not are far to frivolous and frolicky for Iron.
Kinder, wouldn't trust one as far as could throw one, however, some regarded
as likeable rogues especially those from travelling fairs.
Haruchi, now there is a race Iron can relate to brave chaps, seen them take
on enemies with their bare hands and feet, not silly and noisy like the elves.
On the subject of money, Iron was given a small amount of money and
gambled and gambled and gambled, winning far more often than losing.
However this caused to problems and his father effectively disowned Iron,
now favouring his younger brother as the heir to his smithing business. This
shaming casued Iron to head for the Grim to try his hand at helping re-build it
and protect those working there.
Iron misses his favourite uncle (from his mother's side of the family) who
taught him about fighting and even took Iron out on patrols and raids before
he was thought by his family to be old enough. His uncle was also a gambler
and taught Iron the games of chance that where played at home and those of
the travelling folk. His uncle and the party of dwarves looking for some
thieves never returned and is assumed to be dead.
Smithing hammer, his father forged one for Iron as it was the tradition for the
oldest son of the family to take one the smithy when the father retired, but in
this instance that all changed and his father told him to take it as it wouldn't be
used at his forge ever again.
Heading south to the Grim to see if he can help out better his skills as a
warrior and eventually earn enough money/share of loot to set up a smithy of
his own.

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