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Ayurveda India

Ayurveda India

Ayurveda is a control of the upaveda

It is dealt with as a supplement of the Rigveda

Ayurveda India

Atharva-Veda is the prime root of Ayurveda

Samhita of Atharva veda itself contains 114 spells
for the otherworldly cure of infections

Ayurveda India

Doctors ought to stick to Atharva-Veda

Birthplaces of Ayurveda have been followed

back to 5,000 BCE, starting as an oral convention
and later as restorative writings, Ayurveda
developed from the Vedas

Ayurveda India

different fanciful records of the "beginning

of Ayurveda",
The science was gotten by Dhanvantari (or
Divodasa) from Brahma

Ayurveda India

Custom likewise holds that a lost content

composed by the sage Agnivesh, an

understudy of the sage Bharadwaja, impacted

the works of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda India

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