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Automation Testing : Appium ,selenium web driver ,selendroid using testNg

testing framework and junit testing framework.

with the help of Hibernate(ORM) for data validation.

XMPP: asmack client library and openfire and ejabbered chat server.

Testflight and testfairy for apk distribution

Appdynamics Integration ( A complete app performance management tool)

SVN and Github for source code version management

Ant, Maven, Gradle build tools

Navigation drawer and action bar customization and theming with backward
compatibility support till 2.8(Customizing android basic UI elements)

Factory pattern, singleton pattern, observable and observer pattern.

Scrum Methodology (Agile methodology for project management)

Departure from waterfall methodology.
web apps and tools for project management:
Redmine, Asana, Basecamp, Trello, JIRA, activeCollab

Black berry

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