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DRIVE-Fall 2014
BK ID-B1765
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1.What do you mean by Manpower Planning? Describe the various stages & obstacles involved
in Manpower Planning. (Definition of Manpower Planning, Explain the various stages involved in
Manpower Planning, Explain the obstacles in Manpower Planning) 1, 6, 3


Definitions of Manpower Planning

According to K. F. Turkman manpower planning can be defined as an attempt to match the supply of
people with the jobs available in an organization. Statistical techniques have been used to ascertain the
supply of people with the jobs available. Bruce Coleman has defined manpower planning as the process

of determining manpower requirements and the means for meeting those requirements in order to carry
out the integrated plan of the organization.

Q2 What do you mean by Human Resource Accounting (HRA)? Discuss the objectives and
advantages of HRA.
(Definition of Human Resource Accounting, Describing the objectives of HRA, Describing the
major benefits of HRA)2, 4, 4
Human Resource Accounting
HRA can be defined as the process of identifying, recording, measuring human resources and
communicating related financial information associated with the human resource to the interested users.
Thus HRA not only involves measurement of all the costs / investments associated with the recruitment,
placement, training and development of employees, but also the quantification of the economic value of
the people in an organization.
Objectives of HRA

Q.3. Explain the Selection process undertaken by an organization.(Listing out the steps in selection
process, Explanation of the steps in the selection process) 2,8
Steps in selection process
The selection process consists of the following steps:
1. Define the job
2. Review application/resume/CV/bio-data
3. Written examination
4. Preliminary interview
5. Business games
6. Selection tests
7. Final interview with line manager
8. Medical examination
9. Reference checks
10. Job offer
Q4 Discuss in details the Employee Exit Process
(Explaining the Employee Exit process in detail) 10

Employee Exit process
Employee exit process ensures that all the documentation and processes are followed in a professional
manner by organizations and businesses.
The employee who wants to resign will discuss with his Manager, submits his resignation to his Manager.
The Manager should put his comments on the resignation letter and forward it to HR. (these comments
can be To be relieved by dd/mm/yyyy, or some other special comments) HR on receipt of the Resignation
letter, enters in the software, the date of receipt of resignation letter, terms and conditions of resignation if
any special is there. and
Q5 As an HR, you are asked to focus on the Talent Development Process in your organization .How
would you define Talent Development? Explain the necessity of Talent Development from an HR
perspective. Explain the model for achieving excellence in Talent Development
(Definition of Talent Development, Explain the necessity of Talent Development, Factors
responsible for achieving Talent Development) 2, 5, 3
Talent Development
Talent development is an important part of HR. The process involves changing an organization, its
employees and its stakeholders. This process is accomplished using planned and unplanned learning, in
order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage for the organization.
Necessity of Talent Development

Q6 Write short notes on the following:

b)Succession Planning
(Recruitment, Succession Planning, Meaning and objectives of Recruitment) 5,5
William F Glueck Recruitment is a set of activities and organization uses it to attract potential job
candidates possessing appropriate characteristics to help the organization reach its objectives. Byars &

Rue Recruitment Involves seeking & attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job
vacancies can be chosen. Recruitment of applicants is a function that comes before selection. It helps to
create a list of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can choose the right
person for the right job at the right
DRIVE-Fall 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME MU0011 Management and Organizational Development
BK IDB1726
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1. Define Organizational Development (OD).What are the characteristics of OD?

(Definition of Organizational Development, Explain the characteristics of OD) 2,8


Organisational Development

In its widest sense, OD is a planned approach to improve employee and organisational

effectiveness. This can be achieved by conscious interventions in those processes and structures
that have an immediate bearing on the human aspects of the organisation. OD is the act, process,
or result of furthering, advancing or promoting the growth of an organisation.

Q2. As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your organization is not competent enough.
What are the competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
(Explain any ten competencies required for OD professional) 10
Competencies required for OD professional
To be effective, all OD practitioners must possess the following basic knowledge, skills and attitudes
which are listed below:
1. Intrapersonal skills: As OD is a highly, uncertain process which requires constant adjustment and
innovation, OD practitioner must possess good learning skills and must have values, feelings, purposes

and integrity that helps in building the relationships in a smooth and cordial way.

Q3. Discuss the Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD

(Explain the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD) 10
Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
Ethical dilemmas are the results of behaviours and inappropriate actions or roles on the part of both
change agents and client systems. Ethical problems and dilemmas are, therefore, a mutual responsibility
of change agents and client systems, dependent largely on the nature of their specific relationship. Ethical
problems and dilemmas faced by OD practitioners may leave ODs scientific and professional
progression in a disadvantageous position. This happens unless an agreement can be reached as to the
types of ethical dilemmas and the points, at which they are likely to be encountered. Now, you will
understand with the help of the model given in figure 6.5 which explains how ethical dilemmas can occur
in OD.

Q.4.What is Performance Appraisal? What are the purposes and characteristics of Performance
Appraisal? Describe the steps in Performance Appraisal System. (Definition of Performance
Appraisal, Describing the purposes of Performance Appraisal, Describing the characteristics of
Performance Appraisal, Explanation of the steps in Performance Appraisal System) 1,2,3,4
Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal refers to the analysing and evaluating the performance of the employees in
fulfilling the duties, roles and responsibilities that have been assigned to them. It is therefore a systematic
process of assessing the achievements that are related to the work, its strength and weaknesses. It thus,
helps to identify the areas for the enhancement of performance and helps in enhancing the professional
growth. The Performance Appraisal shows the link between reward systems and goal setting process.

Q5. What is a Learning Organization? Discuss the attributes of a learning organization. Explain
the various learning disciplines in learning organization
(Definition of a Learning organization, Describing the attributes, Explaining the five basic learning
disciplines) 2,3,5
Learning organization

The figure states that in the condition of antecedent, the OD practitioners and the client system have their
own set of goals, values, needs, skills and abilities. These differences may or may not be pointed out in
the entry and the contracting phase. So when OD professionals and client are not aware of their
responsibilities then this may result in the role conflict and role ambiguity. Thus, the outcome of role
conflict and role ambiguity may give rise to the ethical dilemmas which are explained below:

Q6. Write short notes :

a) Role Analysis Technique(RAT)
b) Reward Systems
(Meaning and steps in RAT, Meaning, objectives and types of rewards) 5,5
Meaning and steps in RAT
It is a technique designed to clarify role expectation. Role Analysis Techniques (RAT) has been
developed by Dayal (1969) for redefining the managerial roles in an organisation. The set of behaviours
or attitudes associated with a particular position in a group is called a role.
DRIVE-Fall 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MU0012 Employee Relations Management
BK ID-B1734
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Define Strategy. Describe the different strategy levels in an organization

(Definition of Strategy, Explain the different strategy levels in an organization) 2, 8
Johnson and Scholes define strategy as The direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term;
which achieves advantages for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing
environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholders expectations.

Q2. What do you mean by Human Resource Information System (HRIS)? Describe the various
modules of HRIS. Discuss some of the HRIS software.
(Definition of HRIS, Explain any five modules of HRIS, Describe any three examples of HRIS
software) 2,5,3
Human Resource Information Systems
They are online applications which enable organisations to store, track and manipulate data according to
the needs of the HR, payroll and accounts, and other operations within an organisation. Such employee
relationship management tools establish a centralised approach to managing employees distributed across
the globe. Information on employee management, career growth, performance management, etc., are
easier to track and, in turn, help in managing international employees. Organisational communication
systems enable employees to be connected at anytime of the day, anywhere in the world.
Five modules of HRIS

Q3. As an HR of a Company, you are asked to focus on the causes of Grievance and the Grievance
handling procedure. What according to you are the reasons of Grievance? Explain the prerequisites you will consider while addressing Grievance handling procedure
(Explain the causes of Grievance, Describe the essential pre-requisites of a Grievance Handling
procedure )

Causes of Grievance
Grievance may be defined as a complaint or resentment against any unjust or unfair act. Grievance is any
issue associated with an organisation or its management such as employee discrimination or harassment
by managers. There are a number of causes of employee grievances. Some of the reasons are as follows:

Q4 Discuss the Collective Bargaining Process and its issues

(Explaining the Collective Bargaining process, Explaining the Collective Bargaining issues )

Collective Bargaining process

Having understood what collective bargaining is, let us now discuss the general process involved in
collective bargaining and negotiation towards resolving employee issues. The process includes

negotiations between an employer and a group of employees to determine the conditions of the
employment. The result of the collective bargaining process is called the Collective Bargaining
Agreement (CBA). It is a type of negotiation that issued by the employees to work with their employers.
This final contract is called the CBA. Figure illustrates the various steps of the collective bargaining
process. The process comprises of the following steps:

Q5 What is a Trade Union and what are its activities? Explain the functions of Trade Unions.
(Meaning of Trade Union
Describing the activities of Trade Unions
Explaining the Functions of Trade Unions )
Trade Union
A trade union or labour union is an administration of workforce grouped together to attain common goals
such as enhanced operational circumstances.
Trade unions are created with the key goal of protecting the rights of the labour force. The Indian labour
market consists of three sectors:
Q6. Write a brief note on the following:
a) Trait theory
b)ERG theory
(Meaning and concept of Trait theory, Meaning and concept of ERG theory)5,5
a) Trait theory
This theory uses traits (characteristics) to distinguish between leaders and non-leaders. The traits
associated with leadership according to this theory. The traits that indicate strong leadership are as
Intelligence: This refers to the mental ability of a person and is only a moderate predictor of leadership.
The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of a person can be used as a qualifier for high management jobs, but once
the high position is attained, an effective leader also displays good levels of Emotional Intelligence (EI).
EI helps a leader to empathise with the emotions of others. Many people feel that Carly Fiorina, the
ousted leader of Hewlett-Packard, had a high IQ, but a low empathy for the people around her and
ignored the human aspects of her decisions.
DRIVE--Fall 2014

BK ID-B1735
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Define Human Resource Planning (HRP).Discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning.
(Meaning of Human Resource Planning., Explain the four main objectives of Human Resource
Planning) 2, 8
Meaning of Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is the term used to describe how companies ensure that their staff comprises the
right person for doing the job. It includes planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search,
training and skills analysis and much more. It is the process of acquiring and utilising human resource in
an organization. The main objective is to ensure that an organisation has the right number of employees in
the right place at the right time.
Q2. Suppose you have joined as an HR and you are asked to carry out the HR Audit process in
your organization. What are the methods you will consider while implementing the HR Audit
(Explain the methods involved in the HR Audit process) 10
Methods involved in the HR Audit process
Methods used in the HR Audit process are: Interviews
In order to ascertain what the top management thinks about the future plans and opportunities available
for the company, the auditors conduct individual interviews with the members of the top management.
The top management
can provide a perspective for a good HR audit. To collect information about the effectiveness of the
Human Resource Development System, organisational culture, skills, styles, etc., auditors conduct group
interviews with different level of managers.
Q.3.What are the areas of HR Audit? Explain any four of them (Listing the areas of HR Audit.,
Explaining any four of them.) 1,9
Areas of HR Audit
Various areas in which HR audit is performed are as follows:

Audit of HR planning

Audit of HR development
Audit of training
Audit of industrial relations
Audit of managerial compliance
Audit of HR climate

Q.4.What do you mean by HR Scorecard? Explain the steps undertaken to approach a Human
Resource Scorecard. (Definition of HR Scorecard, Explaining the steps in HR Scorecard Approach)
HR Scorecard
The various steps involved in conducting human resource (HR) audit including how to plan questions,
collecting and analysing data and assessing the ability for change. HR scorecard which is an important
tool for conducting a successful HR audit. It is used for measuring the contribution of human resource
management practices for achieving organisational objectives. The purpose of the audit is to reveal the
strengths and weaknesses in the non-profit human resources system, and any issues needing resolution.
The HR scorecard was developed by academicians Bryan E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid, and Dave Ulrich
and was presented in their book The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance
(Harvard Business School Press, 2001). It helps to verify the level to which the HR policies of the
company are aligned with the strategic goals of the company.

Q.5. Write a brief note on the effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an
intervention. (Explaining the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an
intervention) 10
Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an Intervention
In any firm, along with the optimal utilisation of other resources, human resources should also be
exploited to its maximum potential. Businesses which utilise their human resources in an effective way
have better chances of success in the future. Sustainability and progress of business will depend on new
competencies, methods, strategies and value creating processes. Every organisation has accepted that
human resource is the most valuable asset of an organisation though its value is not mentioned in the
balance sheet. Lack of information regarding human capital was seen as a serious handicap for decision
making, both for the managers, investors (Srivastava 1979: 83) and for the human resource development
process itself. Some of the controversies that have emerged as hindrances to the very concept of human
asset and to the process of human audit (Khandelwal 1979) is listed below:
Q6. Write a short note on the following:
a)Flanholtz model(Rewards evaluation model)
b) Pekin Ogan model

(Concept and steps involved in Flanholtz model, Concept and steps involved in Pekin Ogan model)
5, 5
a)Flanholtz model(Rewards evaluation model)
According to Flanholtz, the value of an individual is the present worth of the services that he is likely to
render to the organisation in future. As an individual moves from one position to another, at the same
level or at different levels, the profile of the services provided by him is likely to change. The present
cumulative value of all the possible services that may be rendered by him during his/her association with
the organisation, is the value of the individual.

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