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Armando: Hello ladies! What such your vacations?

Valeria: we have passed boring

Armando: - Do you have any plans for next Saturday?
Valeria: No, we don't have.
Michelle: I think we could go somewhere, to the beach for example
Bianka: Exactly. I like the idea. How about if we go to Montaita?
Armando: Fine, my family have a hut there, we can to use it.
Bianka: and, How we will go?
Armando: Good question, I will speak with my dad to take us
Michelle: Good. What time should we meet then? And where?
Armando: I would pass for you at 6 o'clock
Valeria: I agree. Thanks
Bianka: What do you prefer? To carry prepared food or buy it there?
Valeria: I prefer to buy it there, so we take less load.
Michelle: Yes, I will eat a mixed ceviche.
Armando: I would prefer a sailor rice
Bianka: I would choose a shrimp`s ceviche
Armando: LOL, ok I think thats perfect.
Michelle: I will carry a cooler with sodas.
Valeria: I will carry a parasol and a beach ball.
Bianka: ok, don't forget to carry sunscreen.
Michelle: Yes, great idea.
Armando: ok, that is what well do, girls
All: yeah.

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