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Diary Entry: #26

October 1st, 2014 1:37 p.m.

Dear Diary,
My dad was always my hero until today. I was walking back from the market when I
saw my dad do something I could never even dream of.. But now I cant get it out of my head.
The ringing in my ears from the gunshots wont go away. The image of my Christian teacher
wont go away. When I close my eyes, I see the scared look on her face and my dad slowly
raising the gun just before pulling the trigger. Right before he shot her he shouted, Allah is the
only God, my only God. Thats the last thing that I heard. Im not sure if he saw me, but I
havent left my room since. I cant see how my dad could do such a cruel thing, but whatever
this is, I know I dont want to be a part of it.

Shamia Zainab

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