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Victor Saha

UWRT 1103 - 03
Daily Writing 1
Many people have helped me develop my literacy narrative. First and foremost, my English
teachers from Elementary School to High School have helped the most. This is followed by my
sister, mother, and Preschool. Preschool helped me understand English better since my mother
always talked in Bengali at home. Elementary School taught me the basics of the English
language, starting with spelling correctly and ending with the ability to write correct and flowing
stories. Middle School was a form of transition between Elementary and High School. While in
Middle School, much of my reading capabilities were enhanced and my ability to write well
written papers came. In High School, I became a better reader and writer with a plethora of
books and papers required to be written. Throughout this whole time, my mother and sister
would always read over my work to check if I had been learning grammar correctly and to find
ways to improve my papers.
Daily Writing 2
A place that influences my literacy narrative could be where my parents grew up in Kolkata,
India. This is because my family and I go there every couple of years to see our family who lives
there. Indian culture is much different that Americanized Indian culture. It is also very peaceful
in the part of India my parents and family in India live in. When I was a child, I would read
while I was in India if I was not playing with my uncles dogs. In our most recent trip to India,
because my uncle had to get rid of his dogs, I would constantly be reading novels, go out to
experience India with my relatives, or go shopping with my family.
Daily Writing 3
Although I went to the school book fair every year, I have never bought a book from there
mainly because I could get them for cheaper or just get it from the library. In the public library,
Id oftentimes just sit and read there, rather than check it out, simply because of the quietness of
the library itself. I used to love fiction fantasy novels, such as Harry Potter, The Chronicles of
Narnia, Eragon, and A Series of Unfortunate Events. However, as I grew older, I became more
interested in novels like The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, and The Kite Runner. I also
enjoyed novels that were partially historical, but still fiction, like The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn and Of Mice and Men.
Daily Writing 4
My favorite childhood book would have to be J. K. Rowlings novels about Harry Potter. I
remember before my sister and I got into it, my mom just managed to get the first four of the
chronicles (only 4 were written at the time) for a great deal off amazon. My sister and I both
ended up getting hooked to the Harry Potter almost instantaneously. Of course we could not
understand everything in the novel the first time around, therefore my sister and I both read J. K.
Rowlings books multiple times. Simply the adventure that Harry Potter had to go through made
my sister and I love him. Although I enjoyed it, I could not compare to my sister, who wanted
anything and everything Harry Potter.

Daily Writing 5
Although I had a computer at my home as long as I can remember, I did not ever have a use for a
computer until third grade, when I had to create a power point presentation for school. When I
figured the potential of computers, which took me a while, my literacy narrative was worsened
because I managed to figure out how to play games by the time Windows XP was out. When I
first had to create a power point for school, which was one of the first times I used a computer,
my parents had to help me by showing me how power point and the computer works.
Daily Writing 6
Something that I would like to know more about in this novel is about the connection between
Lily and T-Ray. After the beginning of the novel, he has not been mentioned much throughout
the novel. I would like to know if he ever ends up getting to Lily, or their family is permanently
shattered. If Lily and T-Ray do end up finding each other and living happily ever after, I would
want to know if T-Ray still abuses her and what would happen to Rosaleen since she relates well
to the Boatwright family. If Lily never goes back to T-Ray, how does she plan on continuing her
education since she is 14 and where would she live and get food. I also can relate to June because
just like her, I cannot trust or believe people that easy, as August did with Lily.
Daily Writing 7
Three things I would like to learn while working on the Family Tree Project are:
1. Who are my great grandparents?
2. What is the reason to why my parents are from West Bengal in India rather than
Bangladesh if we are Bengali?
3. Why are all my relatives who live in America live in the same area?
Daily Writing 8
Everything my mother makes can be considered an ethnic dish. One of my mothers many dishes
is her butter chicken. Although I do not know how to make it, I know that it requires Indian
spices and chicken. Although some of the ingredients can be purchased in a retail grocery store,
most of the specific ingredients is only sold in certain stores, typically Indian grocery markets. It
is not truly special in my family, but it is enjoyed by everyone in my family.
Daily Writing 9
The artifact I had chosen to present was a mini Taj Mahal. I did not get to present it, however I
do know the story behind it. The Taj Mahal is one of the seven man made wonders of the world.
It is a tomb for the man who made it and his wife. The building is made with such detail and is
worth a lot because of the many stones and intricate designs put into the building itself. Another
artifact I was planning on presenting was a golden necklace passed down from generation to
generation. It was originally my grandfathers necklace and would have been passed down to me,
but is currently either broken or missing in my house or India.

Daily Writing 10
Zora Neale Hurstons quote, Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying wish a
purpose. This quote speaks more to me than the other two quotes. It tells the truth, where
someone is curious about some topic and researches, or pokes and pries, with a reason to it.
Rather than being informal, where someone would just look through sources to learn something
without documentation, formal research is documented and looked at from yourself and others to
learn from, as long as there is credit given where credit is due.
Daily Writing 11
Over the weekend between UWRT classes, I have done quite a bit amount of research for the
semester long project. Because my project subject has to do with immigration and the changes
from the 1700s to present day, I have looked up which races of humans immigrated more than
others and at what time, as well as looking up the difficulties of getting citizenship in America. I
have also asked my family on how difficult it was to get their citizenship. My cousin also works
for homeland security, so I asked him about how many illegal immigrants he has had to take
back to their country, and other problems with illegal immigrants.
Daily Writing 12
In the Midwest a few years ago, I am on a rock before a mile deep hole, round in shape. Hot and
dry, the world is sideways by view. Driving there took a while because it was out of the way.
Looking at it, it does not look quite large, but it truly is. It is not a manmade hole either.
Afterwards, we left to go visit another place of interest. It matters because I enjoy traveling and
this is a place that I enjoyed visiting very much even though there was not much there.
Daily Writing 13
Peer review is always helpful for me. I personally do not prefer reading out loud because the
listeners can oftentimes miss what I say, therefore I enjoy having others read my paper. Because
of this method, I always receive appropriate criticism and helpful suggestions on making my
paper better. I always read the comments given to me on my rough drafts and change my paper
as so. When I do this, I always seem to do well on my papers.
When I review someone elses paper, I mainly check for grammar more than what I should be
looking for. I usually read a second time to read for content and give feedback to make the
writers paper better. When reading the second time, I always look for the required elements. I
always read the paper, rather than listening, because I always read better than I can listen.
Daily Writing 14
On multiple occasions, the news have called for snow. On a few occasions it has become false
the next day. When this happens, I usually end up procrastinating and have a lot due on the day
that was supposed to be cancelled. When this happens, I typically rush to work on my work all
the way from the ride from home to school, and within my classes to finish my assignment.
Typically I finish the assignment, but not to the best of my abilities and my grade often shows it.
Sadly, I have not learned from my mistakes and still have a tendency to wait till the last minute,

when my work is not to the best of my abilities. I wish my many experiences of this problem
would have taught me to not procrastinate and do my work ahead of time.
Daily Writing 15
I consider creating error free work to be very important. I think everything must be done
perfectly in order to be correct. Error free truly does not mean perfect, but it does mean that
everything is done to the best of your abilities and not procrastinated upon. If I do not produce
error free work, typically I know that it is not my best work and that there will be consequences.
In papers, if it is not error free, I most likely procrastinated and I know that my grade will show
it. On many occasions in English class, I have not created error free work in papers by
procrastinating to the last minute. When I worked trying to be error free, I managed to get a high
A on the paper, but when not, I made in the low 80s. Because of this, I think it is important to
always try to strive to have error free work.

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