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Media in the US since WW2

- Media is mostly American.

- Media influence over beliefs, tastes, and our perception of all around us.
- America has a special relationship with Media.
- the average American adult spend more than a half of her/his waking-life with
the media.
- More than 65% of American adults read a Newspaper at least once a week
and 10 magazines a month and listen to the radio 3 hours a day
5 hours a day a non-voice mobile devices
42% read more than 11 books a year
90% of Americans had TV sets by 1959
- Some form of mass media touches nearly every American every day
economically, politically, culturally and socially.
- The media effects the way the American thought and the way they spent
their time.
- Politicians spent enormous amount of money on TV channels as a means to
propagate their agendas

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