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Third Grade

November 21, 2014/28 Cheshvan 5775

Gev. Lansing
Tele: 414-254-6720


Beni: Pat from Katy's Kloset came to our class to give us more information about how the business works and
what they need. It was interesting to listen to her. Maddie: We learned what the word "peer" means from
Gev. Truding. She taught us how to be kind and help our peers by peer editing our business letters that we
are writing for Katy's Kloset. Joe: Gev. Truding gave us highlighters to help us highlight things when we peer
edit. Rebecca: We peer edited the first drafts of our business letters, and then we fixed the mistakes on the
computer. Rachel: On Friday we are going to make chop suey candy cookies for the Katy's Kloset cookie
sale. The sale is the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Hanna: One group had a backwards math day. They started with the homework and then did the lesson.
Elle: One group is reviewing the use of variables. Both groups are continuing to work on math facts!
If you are looking for computer games, please check out:
Numberopolis: Carnival Stories, Level S
The Number Games: Up, Up and Array, Levels A, B and I
Country Countdown: Counting Critters, Level W
Ice Station Exploration, Arctic Algebra, Level P and T
They can be found on the Think Central website. There is a link on my web page.

Neta and Ethan: We saw Solomon Juneau's cabin. There was a big statue of him nearby as well. We also
saw a replica of his trading post in the museum. Then we went to Wisconsin Avenue and saw the plaque
about where it was located in the 1800's. Sami: We went to an Indian burial mound. There are only two left
in Milwaukee. It was in Lake Park. Hannah: We went to see Byron Kilbourn's house. His house has been
moved. In the summer you can go inside his house when it is open.

Maya: In music we are working on the songs for the Night of Lights winter concert. It is on December 11 at
Eli: We had the Book Fair. The theme was castles and knights. Sami: At the Book Fair, they were doing
something where you could donate money to fill out a brick to put on the castle.

A big todah rabah to Laura Graupe, Ruth Antonoff, Michael Levine and Barbara Perlson for joining us on
our field trip to the Milwaukee Public Museum on Wednesday. The students learned so much, saw what we
had been learning about and made amazing connections. Thank you for helping to make that happen!

Thank you to Rebecca's family for the donation of their old door knobs.
We can still use things to take apart! PLEASE HELP US! Send in your old/no longer working radios, keyboards,
CD players, walkie talkies.....anything that does not have glass or a heating element, please!

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In Jewish Studies, the groups of students have been researching different aspects of the history of Jews in
Milwaukee. When they finish their research, they will be presenting what they have learned to one another.
They are working hard and have made many interesting discoveries along the way. Here are a few pictures
of them hard at work.

The students have been answering questions based on the short stories that we have been learning. They
are also studying the parasha- the portion of the week - in Hebrew.

We are busy getting ready for our second annual Night of Lights Concert that will be on Thursday, Dec. 11
at 6:30 p.m. in the Peck Gym. Please mark your calendars so that you can be with us.

Wednesday-Friday, Nov. 26-28: Thanksgiving, no school
Thursday, Dec. 11: Night of Lights concert, Peck Gym
Wednesday, Dec. 24-Sunday, Jan. 4: Winter Break, no school

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