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Test paper

1. Put the verbs into the correct form using Past Simple or Continuous.
a) Ted..(wake) up because the children (make) noise.
b) The boys.(row) in the middle of the lake when they
..(hear) a loud clap of thunder.
c) The maid.(polish) the crystal glass when it
suddenly..(slip) and..(crash) to the ground.
d) I (stop) to buy a newspaper and then(sit) down on a
bench to read it.
e) When the bell (ring), Sam (have) breakfast.
2. Put the verbs into the correct form using Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.
a) Hello, Tom. I..(look) for you all morning. Where
have you been?
b) Tim is still watching television. He.(watch)
television all day.
c) This is a lovely meal. Its the first good meal I.(have) for
d) Do you often eat in restaurants? No, I(not/eat) in
restaurants for ages.
e) Andrew(speak) to Barbara?

Test paper
1.Put the verbs into the correct form using Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.
a) Hello, Tom. I..(look) for you all morning. Where have you been?
b) Tim is still watching television. He.(watch) television all day.
c) This is a lovely meal. Its the first good meal I.(have) for ages.
d) Do you often eat in restaurants? No, I(not/eat) in restaurants for
e) Andrew(speak) to Barbara?
2.Put the verbs into the correct form using Past Simple or Continuous.
a) Ted..(wake) up because the children (make) noise.
b) The boys.(row) in the middle of the lake when they ..(hear) a
loud clap of thunder.
c) The maid.(polish) the crystal glass when it suddenly..(slip)
and..(crash) to the ground.
d) I (stop) to buy a newspaper and then(sit) down on a bench to
read it.
e) When the bell (ring), Sam (have) breakfast.

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