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Hi. Im Alice. Im seventeen. My mother says Im a waste, that I am intelligent but I never do
things right. I think she hates me. She says I always cause trouble. Maybe I do. I always
quarrel with my two younger brothers and I never get good grades at school. I miss my father.
My father abandoned us two years ago. He made me very angry. I am still angry at him, but I
would like him to come back.
Sometimes I escape from my father and come home late. I sleep out a lot and she doesnt
I sometimes do drugs. I feel HAPPY when I take them at least, for a little while.
Somenone asked me once to carry drugs from one country to another hidden among my
belongings, but thats too dangerous. Its very risky. I dont want to spend my life in jail.
Hi. Im Sergio. Im fifteen. We are four at home: my mother, my sister, my brother Bruno and
me. I have no father, he walked out on us. All our problems began when he left.
Alice, my sister, loved my dad so much. She thinks my father left us because of our mother
and she blames her for every. But it is not like that. My father left us because he did not love
us. It is very difficult for Alice to understand that. Alice is a rebelliosu girl. She is doing drugs,
but my mom does not know. Poor mom.
My brother Pablo and I do not know what to do.

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