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8. How well does the writer transition between paragraphs and moments in the story? Identify iti me ¥ at BRE MES eR WON OE OFeaAy WycwsINOAS. NowWyn¢ Croppyy tr aM CenrEC dS anc! neips tv 9, List atleast two ways in which the essay could be improved. UL Wontstly aodd Kav cnunwwng ro cee HALAS QIN > AIGani7aH OV J ~ we 1s aETeast two things you like about the paper. _, ras OANGOME ceXripacrds Goa clas @ rear Wansinoas And Nomor 11, What would you like to know more about? What questions do you still have? She Cxprained every wane VAN wet anoqguesh ony 12. Ask of the essay "so what?” after you finish reading. Write a sentence or two paraphrasing the point of the paper, answering the question, "in what way(s) is this interesting, surprising, intriguing, etc.2" If the paper lacks a "so what," point that out and discuss the possibilities. Gd 6G Yewiple Sy CAOSS Cxper MOMYR YCCLY ae nes PK AVOXee Vay dy and pus’ a

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