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Robert Hampton

My great-great-greatgrandfather on the Farrell side,

Sarah McKaigs father, was a
seaman on an Irish whaling
ship. This image depecits how
an Irish whaling crew would
operate. They would sail around
in the large ship and once they
found a whale they would launch
several of these smaller
rowboats. The crew on the
rowboats consisted of six rowers
and one to two harpooners. The
rowers would get the
harpooners close enough to the
whale to launch harpoons at it
until it died. The crews on
whaling ships slowly got smaller
with the invention of the
mounted harpoon gun.

My great-great-grandfather on
the Brameyer side, Charles
Brameyer, and my greatgrandfather on the Farrell side,
Henry Farrell, worked in the
same shipyard during WWII.
Because they had a war
related job they were never
drafted into the selective
service. The images on the
left are just of a standard
shipyard with several workers
strewn about doing their
specific tasks. Charles
Brameyer was a welder, so he
would be along the bottom and
the sides of the ship,
sometimes sitting in a
suspended chair along the side
of a ship so that he could weld
two pieces of steel together to
form the hull.

This is a picture of me when I

was very little standing in front of
my grandparents house. That
sailor suit has been in my family
for about three or four
generations now. My
grandfahter has a picture of him
in it and his father, and his
fathers father. It is a tradition
that when every boy in our
family gets big enough to wear
it, they have to pose for a picture
on a brick stairwell much like
this one. Unfortunately I
couldnt find a picture of my
grandfather in it, but I assure
you we look very similar.

Farrell Family Tree

Godleski Family Tree

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