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Cartoon Analysis

Cartoon Analysis

1. Source:
The Cartoon has been taken from Website of Pakistan Today daily newspaper.
2. Main Focus:
A Pakistani Soldier is being forcefully dragged into a war not meant for him by a failing
American soldier stuck in a quagmire. America, having paid a heavy price in terms of loss of
armed forces personnel and expenditure of trillions of dollars, wants to drag Pakistan into the
mess they have created.

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Cartoon Analysis

3. Cartoon Symbols:

American Soldier and his facial expression : Failing and desperate US Army
including all the US Army officials


Pakistani Soldier and his facial expression: Pakistani Armed forces and Army
officials being forcefully involved in the war.


Quagmire: Depicts the Collateral damage as an impact of Afghanistan war on

both America and Pakistan. The Damage includes loss of manpower and heavy
expenditure on Defense sector by both Pakistan and America.

4. Intended Audience:
The cartoon was meant for local people, political leaders and the influential people in the
governments of America and Pakistan to make them realize the negative impact of this war on
both the countries.
5. Cartoon Context:
In the recent history, Soviets, British and Americans made attempts to invade and conquer
Afghanistan but they failed after multiple attempts. The reason was that they were not familiar
with the territory and their troops were not trained to fight in this region.
After 9/11, Americas attempt to invade and wipe out Taliban presence in Afghanistan failed
despite of Americas huge investments in defense budgets. It was easy for them to overthrow
Taliban regime in Afghanistan but Taliban presence and influence remains an indefinite
problem. This means that Americans could not achieve their ultimate goal. Hence, Americans
want to reduce their presence in Afghanistan and eventually move out of this region as they are
not able to bear the loss of manpower and resources. They want Pakistan army to replace them.
The writer has also tried to make the audience realize that waging a war against Taliban-ledAfghanistan has led a further increase in terrorism and the ultimate goal remains unresolved.
6. Humorous content:
The writer has tried to infuse humor in the cartoon as the American soldier is in a state of
desperation and helplessness going down the quagmire, as he seeks support of his Pakistani
counterpart. Little does he know that its a futile struggle and Pakistani Soldier will also go down
along with him.

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