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Valley OB Occupational Therapy

Ergonomics: The Basic Ideas

When using correct body posture for lifting and getting objects off lower places one
can prevent injury to the lower back and use less energy.
General Rules to decrease frequency of lifting:
1. Place objects up off the floor when possible.
This will decrease the amount of times you
have to pick something up off the floor.
2. Raise/lower shelves: Best place to have
objects you are wanting to use and lift is
between your shoulders and waist. Place
lighter objects on the lower levels.
3. Use chairs or stools to reach and grab
something off a lower shelf. By doing this
you will decrease the stress on your back.

Steps for lifting

1. Plant feet shoulder width apart with one foot
to the side of the object and one foot behind.
2. Squat down to lift the object and have heels
off the floor. Keep back straight!
3. Use palms to get secure grip not your fingers.
Getting a good grip is very important in
order to keep safe during lifting.
4. Lift slowly by using your leg muscles and
abdomen muscles. Keep the load as close
to you as possible! This may require you to
put the load underneath your belly. Keep
your chin tucked in to promote straight back.
5. One standing Do Not twist your body when
turning. Point your toes in the direction you
want to walk. Use your feet to change
direction instead of your body.
6. Use the same instructions when placing the
object back on the ground. Do Not bend at
the hips to put something down!

Valley OB Occupational Therapy

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