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Issue 3: Shadow Creature of a Doubt

By Brian Peterson
Its now or never! Im
doing it!

I dont know what

youre talking about,
but Im good with it.

Were changing the


AAAARRRRGGGHHH! I hate it here! You all look funny, and you smell
worse! You inadvertently brought me here when you opened up that
gate, and now I am destined to destroy you! This would have been a
great time to introduce a narrator*, as no one talks this way!
Thats a terrible pun!

And once you have some money, then you

can start to buy vowels!
It is good, and when the reckoning
comes Mr. Sajak will be spared.

Quiet, demon! We
must combine
forces to think of a
3 word phrase that
has 4 ts!

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