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Curriculum vitae

Personal data
Name: Mara Fernanda Martnez Melo
Date of birth: 21 of December of 1996
Birth place: chia (Cundinamarca)
Marital status: single
Address: vrd cerca of piedra
Phone: 3219144287

Courses of study
Primary: I.E.D. cerca de piedra (2000 cha)
Secondary: I.E.D cerca de piedra (2013 cha)
Other studies
Technical analysis of chemical samples: tech school (sena)
Technologist in agribusiness management: sena national learning service
Work Experience
Company: restaurant the quiincho
Address: belside Andres beef
Phone number: 8620512
Positions: waitress and kitchen helper
Functions performed: serve diners, assist in washing, help in the kitchen.
Time worked: 1 of April of 2012 to the 13 of December of 2013
Occupation: serve diners
Family reference
Mara cristina Villalobos: housewife, vrd cerca de piedra, 3112241923.

Personal reference
Catalina Melo: nurse, criminalist, vrd the balsa, 3132495179
Luis Gonzalo Melo: various trades, vrd cerca of pierda, 3118797623

Mara Fernanda Martnez Melo

Mara Fernanda Martnez Melo
Tl: 96122115310 cha (Cundinamarca)

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