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UWRT 1103 Jacob Rayfield 934 WPH2 Other Views ‘The single event that had the greatest impact on my literary narrative was making friends with a group of non-native English speakers online. I met them on an online forum where a majority of the users were central or eastern European. Most of the users had English as a second language, so most of the books they had ever read were unknown to me. We would have discussions, and they would io , 5 ‘i recommend me, it were classics in their countries, but had never had a major release in the United States. Luar A Qneot icloce + Lecpeuwnud. The first book I read was Storm of Steel, by Emst JOnger that some Germans had recommended me. It was a very descriptive diary of a German officer in World War 1. It was similar to All Quiet on the Western Front, but it was a nonfiction personal account that tried to be as descriptive as possible about how Jinger lived through the war. I thought it was a great book, and I found it very interesting to out how somebody who was our enemy in the conflict viewed the ool Teale Tie best books I hdd read came from Russian authors, who described events in stories with complete certainty, where ‘haracters would act and think without having to give the reader reasons for their actions. It made the stories feel very real, and helped the reader make a strong connection to the characters in the story. My favorite book I read was Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky brothers that a strange and mysterious setting, but focused on the characters and how it affected them, leaving the setting unknown. ‘These books had a great impact on my literary narrative, due to reading books in very different styles from what I had previously read. Meeting those people online allowed me to read many books that were classics, and I probably would never have read them because they were not a classic in the US. I feel that reading these books impacted my writing style, and made me want to write about things Hope yo connar to heve Ehise n-Line dbcusnone, Crcat wey fo erm 4y other writers would just gloss over.

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