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Jacob Rayfield 9/84 WP#3 Technology and Literature Technology affected my literacy narrative by providing an easy means to find literature. Before the internet if there was a book you wanted to read that wasn't at the local library or local stores it would be very difficult to get a hold of, Technology made ordering books online, or finding stores that had the book, much easier and allowed books to be purchased for cheaper, too, The ease of aequiring books made it much easier for people to begin reading, and helped to develop my own literary narrative. Technology allowed people a forum to discuss literature and provided a much wider range of books covering all topics. Most books used to be sold based on advertising or recommendations from people you knew, and was limited to what you could find locally. Technology allows you to find books globally, and find obscure books that you never would have been able to find before. Social media and message boards allow people to make recommendations, discuss literature, and find books they never ‘would have been able to find without. I know this personally influenced my literary narrative as most of the books I read came from recommendations online, and not just what looked interesting at first glance ona store shelf. Many people would argue that technology is wasting people time, and drawing people away from reading. I would argue that technology has given people a new medium through which to do their reading. Things are brought up like how newspapers are failing, and bookstores are going out of business do to technology, but that is because most of these things have moved on online to things like the Kindle, or online publications. Technology is just a tool that people are using, and many people use itto enhance their reading, not hinder it. Reading is something unique that people will not just give up doing for some other distraction.

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