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Public Class Form1

Private Sub btnCalculateTicketRevenue_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Dim decAdultPrice As Decimal
'Price per adult ticket
Dim intAdultSold As Integer
'Number of adult tickets sold
Dim decGrossAdultSales As Decimal
'Gross revenue from adult ticket sales
Dim decChildPrice As Decimal
'Price per child ticket
Dim intChildSold As Integer
'Number of child tickets sold
Dim decGrossChildSales As Decimal
'Gross revenue from child ticket sales
Dim decTotalGross As Decimal
'Total gross revenue for all ticket sales
Dim decNetAdultSales As Decimal
'Net revenue from adult ticket sales
Dim decNetChildSales As Decimal
'Net revenue from child ticket sales
Dim decTotalNetRevenue As Decimal
'Total net revenue for all ticket sales
'Declaring the percentage of revenue the theater keeps as a constant
Const decREVEUNE As Decimal = 0.2
'Percentage of revenue kept by theater
With Me
'Assign the variable decAdultPrice to the entry in price per ticket
textbox under adult ticket sales
decAdultPrice = CDec(txtAdultPrice.Text)
'Assign the variable intAdultSold to the entry in the tickets sold
textbox under adult ticket sales
intAdultSold = CInt(txtNumberAdultSold.Text)
'Assign the variable decChildPrice to the entry in price per
ticket textbox under child ticket sales
decChildPrice = CDec(txtChildPrice.Text)
'Assign the variable intChildSold to the entry in the tickets
sold textbox under child ticket sales
intChildSold = CInt(txtNumberChildSold.Text)
Catch exNumberChildSold As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Tickets Sold must be a numeric value.",
"Tickets Sold entry error", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
With .txtNumberChildSold
End With
End Try
Catch exChildPrice As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Price per Ticket must be a numeric value",
"Price per Ticket entry error", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
With .txtChildPrice
End With
End Try
Catch exNumberAdultSold As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Tickets Sold must be a numeric value.", "Tickets
Sold entry error", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
With .txtNumberAdultSold
End With

End Try
Catch exAdultPrice As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Price per Ticket must be a numeric value", "Price per
Ticket entry error", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
With .txtAdultPrice
End With
End Try
End With
'Calculate and display gross ticket revenue
'Calculate and display adult ticket sales
decGrossAdultSales = decAdultPrice * intAdultSold
lblGrossAdult.Text = decGrossAdultSales.ToString("c")
'Calculate and display child ticket sales
decGrossChildSales = decChildPrice * intChildSold
lblGrossChild.Text = decGrossChildSales.ToString("c")
'Calculate and display total gross revenue
decTotalGross = decGrossAdultSales + decGrossChildSales
lblTotalGross.Text = decTotalGross.ToString("c")
'Calculate and display net ticket revenue
'Calculate and display net adult ticket sales
decNetAdultSales = decGrossAdultSales * decREVEUNE
lblNetAdult.Text = decNetAdultSales.ToString("c")
'Calculate and display net child ticket sales
decNetChildSales = decGrossChildSales * decREVEUNE
lblNetChild.Text = decNetChildSales.ToString("c")
'Calculate and display total net revenue for all ticket sales
decTotalNetRevenue = decNetAdultSales + decNetChildSales
lblTotalNet.Text = decTotalNetRevenue.ToString("c")

End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
'Instructions for the exit button
'Closes the application
End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
'Clears all textboxes and returns the focus to price per adult ticket sold
txtAdultPrice.Text = Nothing
txtChildPrice.Text = Nothing
txtNumberAdultSold.Text = Nothing
txtNumberChildSold.Text = Nothing
'Clears all labels
lblGrossAdult.Text = Nothing
lblGrossChild.Text = Nothing

lblNetAdult.Text =
lblNetChild.Text =
lblTotalNet.Text =
End Sub
End Class

= Nothing

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