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South Koreas Kosori is Developing a

25,000 TEU Container Ship

According to local media reports, Kosori The Korea Ship and Offshore Research Institute (at
South Korea's Pusan National University), has begun developing a 25,000 TEU containership.
When completed, it will be the largest in the world, a title currently held by Hyundai Heavy
Industries' (HHI) 19,000 TEU vessels; which were ordered by China Shipping Container
Lines (CSCL) in May of 2013.

Although initially the Institute thought that a ship that could hold more than 20,000 TEU was
impossible, officials say they have been working with STX Offshore and Shipbuilding, Japanese
classification society ClassNK, U.S.-based DRS Group Inc. and NAPA Finland on the project;
for the last three years.

Lloyd's Register has also suggested that the container shipping industry is moving toward larger
cargo ships, commenting in October of 2014 that current shipping volumes would support the
eventual creation of a 24,000 TEU containership.

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