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Improving media outreach training for CSos in Balochistan

One day training was held on Dec, 5 at Gardena hotel in Quetta. The training was arranged by SEHER in
collaboration with INTERNEDIA Pakistan, a national level madia support organization that works on
media capacity building, advocacy and research. The aim of the training was to develop a
communication between madia and civil society organizations, in order to give them full media coverage
to their timely events, campaigns and different activities.
Journalists in Balochistan are merely focusing on news related to the government officials, politics and
other business news. They don not give due consideration to the news related to Civil Society
Organizations in Balochistan, as a result their activities being deprived of media coverage. The agenda of
training was also to enable the Local organizations of Balochistan in a way that they may arrange such
seminars, events and campaigns that could attract medias attention towards their activities.
At the start of the training, we learnt about media its methods of covering the events, then we discussed
about the news. News is an event which should be new, fresh and current. Timeliness, impacts,
relevance, proximity and usefulness are the qualities which should be in good news. The news cycle is
the process through a message is delivered to the audience.
Press release also called news story, is the method of writing the news. The new should be written in an
inverted pyramid style. The most important information should be written in the start, whereas the least
important informations at the end.
At the end of the training, certificates were awarded to the participants at 5:30 pm.

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