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: Yurika Hartanti Afiani

Nurse 1

: Yunita

Nurse 2

: Shintia Lestari


: Rahmalia


: dian dwi gusmira

Jangan ada yang di ubah !!! di tambah boleh

Patient : Good morning nurse.
Nurse 1: Well Mrs, I need to collect your personal data. Im going to ask you some question.
Petient : Certainly, nurse.
Nurse 1: Ok Mr, what is your name?
Patient : My name is yurika.
Nurse 1: How old are you Mrs. Yurika?
Patient : Im 19 years old.
Nurse 1: Where do you live?
Patient : I live in cipinang street.
Nurse 1 : Do you have any health Insurance?
Patient : Yes, I have health insurance.
Nurse 1: What is it?
Patient : My health insurance is ASKES, nurse.
Nurse 1: What is your occupation?
Patient : Im a student
Nurse 1: Do you have a doctors referral?
Patient : No, I dont have.
Nurse 1: Ok, first Im going to check your vital sign Mrs.Yurika.

Patient : Ok
Nurse 1: (Doing it) Sorry Mr. what do you feel now?
Patient : My throat is very painful,nurse.
Nurse 1: Are you saying that your throat is painful Mrs.?
Patient : Yes nurse
Nurse 1: When did you first notice your pain?
Patient : I have this pain since 3 day ago
Nurse 2: (Doing it) Sorry Mrs. what do you feel now?
Patient : My throat is very painful,nurse.
Nurse 2: Are you saying that your throat is painful Mrs.?
Patient : Yes nurse
Nurse 2: When did you first notice your pain?
Patient : I have this pain since 3 day ago, Is my condition very bad nurse? Im very afraid
Nurse 2: Dont be afraid Mr Deni, you will be ok. What is your pain like? Sharp, dull, stabbing,
or acching?
Patient : Its like dull pain,nurse.
Nurse 2: Owh, on a scale of 1 to 10, with ten the worst, how would you rate what you feel
right now?
Patient : I think it is about 4.
Nurse 2: oke,, I have a finish to check your vital sign, your blood pressure is 100/80 mmHg,
your temperature 36,5C, your respirate is 21x/minute, and your heart rate is 86x/minute.
Nurse 2: I will serve to doctor rooms.
Patient : okey

In Doctor Rooms
Doctor : good morning doc

Nurse 2: good morning too nurse

Doctor : What happen with a new patient Nurse?
Nurse 2: At the seven oclock I did the anamnesa and phisical assesment to Mr. DENI.
Doctor : What Is Mrs. Yurika feel nurse?
Nurse 2: Mrs. Yurika say that her throat is very painful
Doctor : owh. Okeh nurse. Thanks you.. now I will go to patient room for check general
condition of patient
Patient :
Pokoknya dokter suruh pasien nya priksa test urin dan darah terus di di fonis bahwa dia hanya
kecapean karena sibuk dengan aktifitasnya. Lalu di berikan resep dokter
Kalo mau ngeprint di hapus semua bahasa indonesianya yah baru di print.

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