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Drill Maps

Drilling enables us to see data at levels other than that of Original grid/graph.

We can drill data down or up with in a hierarchy or across to other hierarchies.

Drilling down enables us to access data at lower attribute level in the same hierarchy.
Eg: Month to day

Drilling up enables us to access data at higher attribute level in the same hierarchy.
Eg: Day to Month/quarter/year

Drilling to other directions enables to view data at any level in any hierarchy.
Eg: day in time hierarchy across Region in Geography hierarchy.

I Cube (Intelligent Cube)

Icube is a multi-dimensional object on IN-Memory database.
When we run some specific report, rather than returning data from the DWH we can return sets
of data from the DWH to Intelligent server memory, so that we can build multiple reports that
gather data from icube instead of querying DWH
the objects that cant be placed on to icube OR the limitations of icube
a) consolidations and customgroups
b) OLAP services features
view filter
derived metric
derived element
dynamic aggregation
c) prompts

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