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To Whom it may concern,

I dont know why Rainbow Storage thinks i owe them any money. I called them in June
2014, before i made my plane reservations, to ask when i had to have my stuff out by,
since my rent was due on the 3rd. So they had plenty of notice. They told me not to
worry, because i had 10 days grace period. So i flew up on July 2, and rented the truck,
and i was there all day July 3rd loading up the truck. We went back after we went to
dinner and my code was locked out. (apparently if you take longer than an hour or two to
load up, youre automatically locked out). We were going to clean out what was left (just
a few bottles of bleach, i believe), since there was nowhere there to dispose of trash, etc.
and get the lock. They were closed, and i had to leave because i had to be in Los Angeles
to meet my daughter in the morning. So i left a note explaining that we had evacuated the
unit as i had informed them and why we couldnt stay to get the lock.
A few weeks later i got a bill for the rental for July, and i e-mailed them saying just what i
told you above. So i didnt hear anything again until now??? They can go ahead and
auction off those bottles of bleach if they want. But i have plenty of witnesses to when
we called and notified them ahead of time, and when we loaded the truck, and when we
went back and tried to get back in, and when we left the note.
So even if they try to say they didnt know (which is ridiculous by anyones standards),
the degree of care in civil cases is that they knew or should have known.

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