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LoTi Survey Questions

1. How long have you been a teacher?

a. 1-5 years
b. 6-10 years
c. 11-15 years
d. 16-20 years
e. 21-25 years
f. Over 25 years
2. What subject matter do you teach?
a. Language Arts
b. Social Sciences
c. Science
d. Math
e. Fine Arts
f. Business
g. Other
3. How often do you incorporate technology in your personal life
a. Once a day/
b. Once a week
c. Once a month
d. Rarely
4. How often do you incorporate technology in your classroom instruction?
a. Once a day
b. Once a week
c. Once a month
d. Rarely
5. How often do students use technology to accomplish classroom tasks?
a. Once a day
b. Once a week
c. Once a month
d. Rarely
6. Do you use technology systems unique to your grade level and subject matter?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Never

7. How often do students use technology as part of group assignments?

a. Always
b. Most of the time
c. Some of the time
d. Never
8. Do you use technology to allow students to collaborate with others outside of
your school?
a. Yes, consistently
b. Yes, occasionally
c. No
9. Rate the importance of technology in the classroom. One being the lowest and
five being the highest.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
10. On a scale of one to five, rate your willingness to participate in a professional
learning opportunity which focused on technology integration. One being least
likely and five being most likely.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

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