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1. What are the three core factors that led to the chaos, according to the article?

A broken Promise Between the leader and the citizens

A cold war-era fight between Russia and the west over influence of other
A public outrage over the governments brutal response to protests.

2. Why does Russia feel threatened by Ukraine forming a closer partnership with

Russia feels that the partnership is against Russia. Also Ukraine carrys pipelines
from Russias oil supply.

3. Why did many Ukrainians, especially in the Western part of the country, want
Ukraine to sign political and economic agreements with the European Union?

They say it will improve peoples lives and also help the economy and the justice

4. Why did street protests erupt in November 2013?

Because Mr. Yanukovych was not moving forward.

5. What were some of the government missteps that helped further fuel the protests?

The government would beat protesters which led to laws restricting freedom of

6. What additional questions do you have about whats going on in Ukraine?

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